Chapter Two

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"Dave... Dave. Dave!" Peter is now right in front of him. He is half aware of the fact that he is at work now and still half asleep. 

"Hm..?" He looks up and sees Peter and Dee standing in front of him, they look concerned. 

"What's up, Peter?" He asks muffled by grogginess. 

"Are you alright, Employee? You've dozed off more than four times already -which is more than usual-  and Jack isn't here and normally you are either with him or talking about him. Also I haven't see Blackjack either." Peter seems more concerned then he's letting on.

"Yeah... I'm fine...." Dave lies while trying not to cry at the thought of last night and Dee looks straight at him and scoffs.

"Sure you are, cause you haven't even said one  thing about having to work 'in this smelly hell hole' and you came in early like you wanted  to be here. Did something happen between you and Jack?" Dee was always good at looking through lies for some reason. It would have to be a miracle for Dee to believe in any lie. 

Dave can't help himself anymore and starts to cry. "Me and Sportsy... I don't even know how to explain this. We had the same dream at the same time- I think- and..." He trails off thinking about how Jack came running in the dark and cold to his house in tears.

"Dave!" Peter snaps his fingers in front of Dave's face. Bringing him back to now. "You zoned out."

"Sorry, it's hard to explain. What happened in the dream was Sportsy was controlled, or manipulated, or something by Henry"  He says the name with pure hate. "And... killed me..." He starts to panic again, breathing faster and crying. "I begged him not too! I was so scared of him, I've never been that afraid." He grabs where he was cut. "It hurt so bad  I woke up and could still feel it!" Dee and Peter look at each other for a second, neither of them have seen Dave this panicked before.

Dee moves first and puts her hands on Dave's shoulders. "Hey, just breathe, it's alright." 

Dave pauses and breathes, slow and steady. He has to take a few minutes to calm down. he continues, "he came running to my house with no shoes or coat right after I woke up. He was crying, crying hard. I saw him and instantly felt like my 'dream' was more than a dream... He started to apologize but I cut him off and told him to leave and go home. I couldn't trust him. Not after that dream, it felt too  real. I couldn't sleep after that." 

Dee and Peter look at each other for a while. "We'll be right back" Dee says and offers a smile. Dave zones out again after they leave. His thoughts are racing again. He remembers seeing how hurt Sportsy was. How scared  he was. He immediately regrets closing that door. His heart drops as his anxiety takes control of his mind. What if Sportsy got sick? Hurt? Didn't make it home? What if he hurt himself? Doesn't love him anymore? What if he had another dream like that and didn't know what to do? 

He is still lost in his thoughts while Dee and Peter come back into the room. He doesn't even realize they are in the room. He stands up too quickly and gets dizzy. He wants to run out of the pizzeria this second but Peter makes him sit back down. 

"Whoa! Calm down, did you eat anything today? You look dizzy and sick." Peter motions for Dee to go get food and water. "Me and Dee decided we should all go over to Jack's after work to check on him and sort this all out." 

The most Dave can do right now is nod. He wants to see Jack now but Peter is right. He needs to eat and calm down. 

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