blurred lines

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Love,   my best friend,
the one i would trust with my life.
the word has become simple and casual,
if only you realized
that every time
the words leave my mouth
they mean something different.

Only you,   give me that feeling,
when you smile, when you laugh...
when we kiss.
i could talk to you all day long
and never tire of your voice.
i've tried,
but my bursting heart
belongs completely and utterly to you.

Very important,
one of the best things
to ever happen to me.
a shoulder to lean on
with tears in my eyes,
a promise to never walk away.
a best friend for life,
always held an arms length away.

Every time your eyes meet mine,
i feel it though.
that fire that sparks between us,
that you turn a blindside to.
your bucket of water
that you keep to yourself.
the scorches
that mark my skin
are obvious to even the most oblivious.
i'll keep burning myself
to make that flame stay alive,
hoping that one day
your gentle hands
will heal the marred skin.

a word
that has so many different meanings,
but with you
the lines seem to blur.

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