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Le garçon qui me regarde de loin or 'the boy who glances at me from afar'

"Well if it isn't Ms. Daisy Kraft! It's good to see you again dear, back for more books?" I smiled and nodded at the older woman. "Hi Mrs.smith, do ya happen to have any books about the civil rights movement?" She held up her pointer finger at me before reaching into her bag. "All the books here are for children, here's my copy of a black panthers diary. It's yours now." I took the book, thanking Mrs. Smith before going outside to unlock my bike and ride down to the record shop. I like to take advantage of the summer months in Pine Falls, Minnesota.

The harsh winters made it almost impossible to do anything outside. I rode down the main road, admiring the family owned shops in the small town. I locked my bike on the nearest stop sign and walked in the record shop. I looked around for my friend Naomi but instead, I was met with a long haired boy stacking new CD arrivals. I walked over and tapped his arm, making him look back at me. "D'ya need somethin', love?" I was slightly taken aback by his accent. Not many people from other countries move to Pine Falls.

"Um- I was looking for my friend Naomi, she's usually the only one working, are you new here?" The boy shook his head, laughing slightly before replying. "No, I've lived here for a few years now. Been working here six months, I usually do mornin' shift. Nao's out back smokin'" I nodded, walking through the back door, walking up to Naomi.

"Naomi who's that guy working?" Nao put out her cigarette, a confused look on her face before realizing who I was talking about. "Oh that's Harry. Started working here a few months ago. Did ya meet him?" I shook my head before replying. "Not formally but I know he's lived her awhile, where's he from?"

"He's from a town in the UK called Redditch. Anyways let's go inside so I can pull records for you that you won't buy." I was the first one back in, sitting behind the counter where the record player sat. Harry looked at Naomi, then back at me. "Nao, is this your mate Daisy?" Naomi nodded and smiled at me. "Yup, this is the girl who only comes in to listen to records until we close without buying one." I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Why do you have to always introduce me like that? I'm saving money so I can buy all of my list at once. You wouldn't know a thing about saving now would ya, Ms. impulse buyer?" The brunette boy laughed and got down from the step stool, leaning on the counter, smiling at me. He has a beautiful smile.

"You're funny. Anyways, I'm headin' home Nao. Not feelin' the best. See ya tomorrow, you as well Daisy." I waved, getting one back before he left. After I got home the only thing on my mind was the english boy from the record shop.


Hi! so I'm probably gonna have a French phrase that relates to the story in every chapter. I will also add trigger warnings if needed! Harry's life is a bit complicated and there are some triggering themes so I will put a warning on the chapter! I'm super excited for what's to come!

love you all,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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