The Wolf and The Lizard

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Gargan had descended the mountain, the forest below, seemingly covered in snow, tree barren and icicles dangled from branches as the wind blew chills but not enough to fell the mighty lizardman chieftain 

"Welp I'm down now, now what?" Gargan then looked up at the mountain then back in front through the forest 

"Well I guess the only way forward is through, Kinda wonder if anything is alive in this forest" he then looks around at all the snow and ice 

"Doubt it" he then pressed on forward trying to navigate through the forest

"Blast this thicket" Gargan says as he tries to avoid the trees as much as possible, but as he ventured further the density of the forest has overwhelmed him, tree after tree had barred his path

"hmm this is more of a maze than a forest, I can't lose time here, I have to find out more about this world, I even had to leave my post as a chieftain, brother would've made for a better leader than I anyway" Gargan drew his sword and with one motion slice the thicket of trees down and continued to do so not stopping in his path 

"Well that makes everything easier" Tree after tree fell with a thundering crash and icicle shatters sounding off from the distance

Above the mountains Thessalia lairs. As her paws kissed the cold stone, she gaze throughout the vast scenery of the frozen forest she lives in. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh cold air before letting it all out with a sigh.

"For some reason I could feel, fate has something prepared for me today but I do wonder what it is. Will this be the end of my story or the beginning of a legacy?"After a while of silence with no reason to prolong the wait of the inevitable. She starts her way down the pathway.

Above the skies the birds flew in distress, all were circling around an area near where Thessalia is. Looking over she noticed that trees are starting to fall one by one.

 "Lumberjacks? This deep in the forest? Have they not learn from their last encounter with I... perhaps they have. I know very well that they wouldn't dare again after almost losing a foot. Then who might this new person be?" 

Without another thought she sprints her way down the trees. As she nears the area, she climbs a nearby hill. Waiting for another tree to fall or a sound to be heard.

The forest grew silent not a single tree fell down as Thessalia arrived a path of fallen tree littered the forest floor making a clear line from origin to current, all of a sudden the icicles that dangled from the tree branches rattled and chimed as the very ground begun to shake and a fissure split open underneath Thessalia.

With quick reactions, Thessalia leapt above the ground and lands on safer grounds.

This is definitely not a work of the lumberjacks, no, this is done by somebody more dangerous.

The birds above had flew away, the sound of anything living were nowhere to be heard. She was prepared to die by the hands of fate but if that means living the forest in this dangerous person's hands, she would never.Thessalia first howled above as her the area starts to feel cooler and the breeze getting stronger.

"To who'm have trespassed and make a mess of nature's home. I ask you to cease this thy actions before I decide to punish thee!"

The forest grew silent as snow fell from the force of Thessalia's howl a quick glint and a sudden flash in the distance caught Thessalia's eye as three rock shards came hurdling towards her

With the help of her wolfy reflexes, she swerved to the side and without even giving another warning she charges towards the direction it flew from and lets out another great howl, this time her jaws and body covered in ice armor.

Gargan was then seen running beside Thessalia

"Soo where are we going?" Gargan looking at Thessalia as he kept pace "Also nice dodges, didn't really think you could dodge all those"

"What?" Thessalia immediately stopped in her tracks to face the man. "I ask of thee to announce yourself!" Barked Thessalia still wary of any actions the man might do.

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