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As she handed over the paper, she quickly walked out. Trying to find that guy to apologise to him.

She stopped in her tracks as she spotted him talking to some guys. But what made her stop was the word 'Gucci' written on the back of his tee shirt.


If he asks her to pay for ruining his shirt. She's gonna go broke. She anxiously tapped her feet on the ground contemplating whether to apologise to him or not.

Her eyes went wide as the guy turned around and spotted her, his eyes showing recognition.

Areum turned around and started running. She stopped as she found a convenience store nearby. She quickly entered the store, the bell ringing indicating her arrival.

She quickly went to the cleaning supplies aisle and picked up a bottle of detergent and walked up to the counter to pay for it.

Taking the bag in which the cashier put the bottle into in her hand she walked out of the store and sped walk to where she last saw her.

He was still standing there talking to whom she assumed as his friends.

She went towards him and stopped a few feet before and called out loudly.

"Hey white gucci!"

The guys turned around to look at her. The guy with the said shirt on looked at her with confusion clear on his face.

"I'm sorry! It wasn't intentional. And i really can't pay for a gucci shirt! Damn it why can't you buy a normal?! But anyway take this, i have heard it cleans well! And bye"

Areum threw the bio degradable bag which the detergent at him and started running towards the way she came from without even waiting for his reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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