Secret Model: 13

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Secret Model: 13

You could say that after the weekend was finished, the following school day was eventful.

"Back off man!"

"No, you back off!"

"Why should I? Is it because, she chose me instead of you?"

"She did not choose you! She hasn't chosen anyone yet!"

A sea of students were circling around what seemed to be a makeshift boxing ring. Not wanting to be caught in the crowd, I cleverly stood up on the top of the stairs of the school building to overlook the situation. To my horror, the two guys who were arguing were in fact, Dustin and Nathan. Students were cheering them on as they flung insults at each other and argued as they continued to circle each other.

"Guys!" I shouted, "Stop it!"

My efforts at gaining their attention and making them stop were futile. All it did was make me tired and light headed from shouting so hard. My voice just seemed to get lost in the rising chorus of chanting.Then I came up with an idea.

"Excuse me!" I shouted while doing my best to shove past crowds of bodies. "Coming through!"

After a few minutes of suffocation, I finally burst through the crowd and into the clearing where, Dustin and Nathan were. 

"Guys! Stop it!" I cried.

As cliche as it sounds, it suddenly became quiet. Dustin and Nathan were on either side of me, both breathing heavily from getting worked up at each other.

"Guys. You have to stop this!" I hiss.

"This punk over here had the nerve to go out with you-!"

"So what?" I say to Dustin. "It's not like we're together anymore,"

"But-" Dustin started to protest but I cut him off. "But nothing," I say with finality.

A moment of silence passed. Finally when I thought it was over, Dustin piped up again and said, "So you're choosing him now?"

That was when I realised something. Did I really want another relationship? After what, Dustin did... I'm not particularly not certain if I was really to plunge into it again. I glanced in dismay between, Dustin and Nathan, not particularly sure what to say.

"Well?" I heard, Nathan mutter slowly.


I suddenly realised that the majority of the school was still surrounding us. I was sure that they were probably thinking why two absolutely drop dead gorgeous guys were giving someone like me the time of day. Especially when I look utterly ordinary with my reading glasses slightly askew on my nose.

"I-I-" I tried to spit out what I wanted to say but...I didn't know what I wanted to say.

"I'm not choosing anyone!" I burst out in a flare of anger and annoyance. I turned on my heel and shoved my way out of the crowd.

"Wait!" I heard both Dustin and Nathan shout. But I didn't care. I just continued briskly walking towards the entrance of the school to head to class.


 To say the least, I was doing my best to avoid, Dustin and Nathan. Every time I would see them come around a corner I would sink into the shadows or duck my head. Whenever one of them was in my class, I ignored them throughout the whole lesson. If they tried to talk to me after classes I would just blank them till they gave up. When school finally ended, I dashed out of my last class and practically sprinted all the way.

Beep! Beep! 

"Hello?" I say breathlessly into my cellphone.

"What happened to you today? You okay?" Etty gasps.

"I'm alright, I just need to relax," I sigh tiredly.

She wished me a 'get better soon' and hung up. I shut off my phone and threw it bag into my bag then launched myself onto the couch. How did my life come to this? Firstly I was just leading a double life and it was going quite smoothly if you ask me. Then, Nathan came along. We're somewhat business partners whenever I'm, Eldridge O'Connor, famous model. I guess you could say things got a little messy since, Dustin and Natha came along. 

What am I going to do?


A/N: Chapter thirteen is short I know. Sorry!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2012 ⏰

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