1 year anniversary day

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It was collage time. You dressed up and went for collage. You were really much more excited for Yibo's surprise and also yours. As soon as you reached collage everyone stared congratulating you. Xiao came running from back and hugged you tight congratulating you too. Yibo was standing at the gate with a bookey of red roses! As usual he look handsome and you couldn't just remove your eyes from him.

"Y/n will you just stand and stare or will you go!",said Xiao and pulled you to Yibo.

"Hey y/n! Happy 1 year anniversary!" Saying this he gave you the bookey and hugged you.

"Happy 1 year love!"

"You both love birds, lets go the bell already rang for the first class we will be late"

Hearing this three of you ran to your classes.

The day just went by so fast. It was the end of classes for the day. Three of you bit goodbyes for today and went home. Yibo kissed you and said,
" Come soon! I'll be waiting!"
You just blushed listening to this and then came home.

Returning home you started making those special cupcakes for Yibo without even opening your dress. You put all your efforts in it.

"It's done! Lemme pack there!"

You glance at the clock and it was already time.

"Oh no! I need to get ready. There is so less time left."

Saying this you went to put on the beautiful dress with the beautiful pair of heels, with some makeup and then you were ready to go.

You took the cupcakes and the surprise craft work and headed to Yibo's mansion.

You were stunned even before entering his mansion. It was so beautifully decorated from the gate with lights. It felt like there was a grand party. You parked your car took your gifts and headed inside.

It was really dark when you entered.

"Yibo! I'm here. Why is it so dark here?"

The lights suddenly it up and then you were just speechless. It was so beautiful. The decorations. The date table everything. Deep down you started feeling bad for such a small gift and started feeling regret taking this idea.

"Hey y/n. Did you like it?", Yibo hugged from behind.

"Like? I just loved it. So much just for me?"

"It's our day! Why not? Come on in. I'm really excited for your surprise."

You sat and unwillingly with a heavy heart gave the two boxes to him.

"CUPCAKES! Y/N YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE CAKES. And since you made it, it must be more sweet isn't it.", he chuckled and continue to open the second packet. "Y/n, ...", saying your name he cried.

"Yibo, what happened? Is it that bad?"

"No stupid. It's best. Best gift ever. No one ever gifted me such gift. Yes I recieve tons of gifts and have everything but such things and priceless and most precious. It reminds me of my mom. She used to make me crafts because I loved it but then... Okay never mind. I'm so stupid started being emotional on this special day! Let's enjoy"

Seeing him like the gift so much it really made your evening. Then the best evening started. He served the food. Intact all the food on the table were his and yours favorite and made specially by him with a little guidance. After eating so much yoi suggested that you must both click some pictures together and then just spend the rest of the evening by Netflix and chill.

Both of you clicked plently of pictures and then went to the Yibo's room to watch movies. After watching few movies Yibo got up and said,
"Y/n let's dance? Will you?"

You immediately agreed to it and started couple dancing with him. It really felt like a movie date to you.

"Yibo! Yoi are just like my prince. I've never imagined in my life such things, having a date , dancing with my love, i just love you."

Both of you just stared into each other's eyes. And next moment his soft lips was pressing against yours slowly but with deep passion. You felt uneasy but couldn't even stop it. It made you feel good and special so you let it go. From your lips he slowly went to your neck. One hand around your waist and the other on your face. Slowly he made you lay on the bed. Things started escalating and heated up. He started undressing you and the very next moment his strong muscular body was touching yours and then you finally made out with a mafia. It felt great. It was the best day ever for you.

It was really late so Yibo came to drop you to your home and said you'll get your car tomorrow at collage. Both of you were really blushing and couldn't even speak a word. He hugged you , kissed your forehead and went home.

After entering your apartment you were really tired and wanted to sleep but so happy that you just jumped like a kid blushed and then just fell onto your bed saying,"Yibo I love you. Thanks for making this day more special. Just waiting for the day of our marriage." Saying this you went fast asleep.

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