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996 Let's Discuss How Malevolent His Highness Was

Baili Jia Jue let out a cold laugh. The black ornamental ring on his finger glinted with a dark light as he placed it against the handrail of the stairs.

Everyone knew better than to provoke the emperor. However, no one was aware of the reason behind the emperor's apparent cold expression in the morning, when he was usually emotionally stable.

Even if they lived 9,000 feet below the sea level, they still wished that they could jump out of the mansion to get some fresh air..

However, it all changed in the next second.

The heavy atmosphere in the room suddenly evaporated.

The corners of Baili Jia Jue's lips curled up into a smile, when he saw the woman cooking in the kitchen with her head lowered. The menacing coldness emanating from him dissipated as his emotions became warmer.

The demons were touched beyond words. Great Lord Phoenix is definitely the angel that is here to save us!

"What are you doing?" Baili Jia Jue reached over and hugged his Little Phoenix from behind.

Helian Wei Wei did not stop preparing the food. She put the knife down and lifted the lid of the pan next to her. Then, she pinched a pan-fried stuffed bun from within and fed it to him. "I just made this, eat it while it's hot. It has your favorite prawn fillings inside."

As Baili Jia Jue munched on the delicious bun, he felt a warmth surge through his body. Other than their souls, he did not crave human food. However, it would be an exception if it was made by a certain person.

"Does it taste good?"


"Then, I'll make more." Helian Wei Wei seemed content with his reply. "There's nothing left in the fridge, so I just ordered someone to buy these prawn fillings, but I only bought a little. Anyhow, there's still the long beans and egg filling. You love long beans, so you can eat a few more before work later."

Baili Jia Jue gobbled another one, but this time he fed himself. "I don't have to go to the office."

"You don't have to go to the office?" Helian Wei Wei frowned and asked, "But today is Thursday."

Baili Jia Jue's voice was calm and unhurried as he replied, "The company's rest day is on Thursday."

Helian Wei Wei had no words in response.

Baili Shangxie was busy helping his little brother with his napkin at the dining table. However, when he heard his father's words, he could not help but roll his eyes at him disdainfully.

His Highness seemed to realize how absurd the lie he had just made up sounded, so he nonchalantly changed the topic and asked, "Why is the bun so small?"

"Qingchen and Shangxie are still little, so big ones are not convenient for them. It's easier for them to eat smaller ones without staining their clothes. Besides, it's also easier to digest," Helian Wei Wei explained as she shaped another stuffed bun and placed it into the pan. Then, she replaced the lid over it and commented, "Alright, it'll be done in 10 minutes, I'll make something else in the meantime."

Evidently, Baili Jia Jue did not like Helian Wei Wei focusing on other people, including his sons. "Don't bother yourself. Those two brats can digest anything."

For some reason, Helian Wei Wei felt like laughing when she saw His Highness purse his thin lips. Without any warning, she tilted her head and kissed him, saying sweetly, "Help me bring the plate to the table."

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