Chapter One

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(A/N: Please don't kill me but Jeff is going to have eyelids in this)

???'s (POV)

I know he's coming for me. From the day i left i knew he was going to get to me sooner or later. He's getting closer and i already know that he will kill me. I left after finding out i was pregnant in fear that he'd try and hurt the baby. He knows nothing about the child but sadly that was going to change.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by my sweet little girl crying. I went to her room and picked her up. I smile as i cradle the child in my arms. "Hey baby girl. Mommy has to tell you something ok?" Ash looked up at me. She's a very smart child she has been able to understand me since she was only three months old. "There is going to be a man coming here soon and he's going to make me go away. But you are going to go with him. And whatever happens to me it isn't his fault. I made him mad. I want you to be a good girl for him ok?" Ash nodded and i hugged her. "I love you baby girl."  After a few moments Ash fell back to sleep. I set her back in her crib and went to pack some items for her as well as to write a note for Jeff.

Jeff's (POV)    2:30 AM

I smile. 'This has to be the house' I carefully go over to the side of the house in search for a open window. Once a found one i opened it and climbed through without making a sound. I walk upstairs and to the first room. I open it up and it's a bathroom. I sigh and close the door back up. I walk down the hall. I went into the next room and it was a bedroom and in the bed was the bitch that thought she could just leave. Ha! Right! I went over to the bed and climbed on top of her covering her mouth with my hand. Her eyes shot open. "Hey there....... Miss me Angel?" She just looked at me. "I've been looking for you and i think it's time you'd finally. Go to sleep." I got my knife out of my hoodie pocket and set it on her throat. "Sweet dreams Angel." I quickly slit her throat. I laughed as her blood sprayed in my face. I look down at my knife and busted out laughing till i see a piece of paper. I look closer and it's marked 'Jeff' I grabbed it and opened it. It was a letter.

Dear, Jeff,

I wanted to say i'm sorry for the pain i put you through and that i forgive you for what you did to me. I have my reasons for leaving and if you go to the room furthest down the hall you will see. I want you to take her. Her name is Ash she already understands what happened to me. And yes she is yours. I was afraid you'd try to hurt her if i'd told you so i left. But i rather you have her then someone i don't know. She was never like other kids her age. You'll see that soon enough. She is very intelligent for her age. I know you'll love her just as much as i did. All i ask is please be good to her. I've left a bag full of her things in her room with her. I hope you two only the best.

Love, Angel

Ash? Huh? So when did i have a kid? After taking one last look at Angel's corpse i left the room and with curiously burning inside of me i went to the room. Inside was a small room with a rocking chair and a crib. Sitting on top of the rocking chair was a bag. Probably the bag Angel mentioned. I walked over to the crib and she a little girl. She looked maybe a year old at the most sleeping soundly. This must be Ash. She suddenly sat up and looked at me. "Hwello." She rubbed her eye. "Hi." "Uppie!" She lifted her arms up. "Um....." I'm not really good with kids. "Pwease!" I sighed and picked her up. Then hear sirens. "Shit!" Ash looked up at me confused. "I gotta get outta here before the police come." She nodded. "Baggie!" She pointed to the bag. I grabbed it and went out the window with Ash in my hands. Once we made it to the woods Ash giggled. "Yay!" I slowed to a walk. "Where we goin?" I looked down at Ash. "I don't know." I mean it's not like i can take a baby to the mansion if Slender doesn't kill her on the spot, LJ would. I sighed and walked deeper into the woods until Ash tapped me. I looked down. "Who dat?" She pointed behind me. I turned around to see Jane. I growled. "What do you want Jane." She glared at me but then looked at Ash. "Oh. My. God! She's so cute!" Jane ran over. This was not normal... "Where did you get her?" Jane looked up at me. "Angel's house." "You finally found her." I nodded. "Can i hold her? Please!" "I don't care." I gave Ash to Jane. "What's her name?" "Ash." "Hold on. If you found her at Angel's house and she looks about a year old." Jane gasped. "Ash is yours?" "From what i heard." "Does Slender know?" "No. And i plan to keep that way if you don't mind. Don't tell anyone." Jane nodded. "But i wanna help." Help? Me? With Ash? I looked at Jane confused as hell. "Are you ok?" Jane chuckled. "Yes Jeff i'm ok." She looks at Ash. "Now lets get you home ok?" Ash giggled and Jane walked past me and towards the mansion. Before we got there Jane spoke. "Ok you don't want anyone else finding out about Ash right?" I nodded. "Ok then you go inside and to your room while i bring Ash and her bag to your window. Then I'll come in ok?" I nodded it wasn't a bad plan. When we got to the mansion i gave Jane the bag and walked inside as Jane hid behind a tree. I need to act normal so they don't suspect anything. "Hey fuckers i'm back!" Every one looks at me Toby rolls his eyes and everyone went back to what they where doing. I walk up to my room and close and lock the door behind me. I walk over to the window to see Jane there with Ash and the bag. I grabbed Ash and pulled her in. I set her on the floor and grabbed the bag. "I'll be there in a second." Jane whispered. I nodded as Jane leaves. I look at Ash who smile at me. "Is she comin back?" I smiled. "Yeah she is. She's helping us." Ash nodded. She can understand me? Then there was a knock on the door. "Jeff let me the fuck in so i can beat your ass!" I rolled my eyes. "Why she mad?" "She isn't it's ok." I walked over and opened the door. Jane pinned me down on the ground with her knife at my throat. Then quickly kicked the door shut. She got up. "What was that about?!" I asked annoyed that she did that. "Sorry there where people watching." I nodded. Jane looks at Ash. "Ok so she's going to be staying in here we have to make sure no one comes in besides us." Jane nods. "So how long do we keep her here?" "I don't know until she's older. Maybe fourteen. Just so she doesn't get hurt." Ash stumbles over to Jane. "Wat dat?" Ash pointed at the knife that Jane was holding. Jane looked at me. "um.... it's a uh." I sighed. Why is Jane trying to make up a excuse? "It's a knife." I took mine from out of my pocket and showed Ash. Jane gasped. "Are you trying to scare the shit out of her?!" "Huh?" I looked at Jane. "Look at it!" I looked at the knife and it was covered in blood...... Angel's blood. "Shit." I was going to put it away but Ash grabbed it. Ash giggled. "Mine." Ash ran to the other side of the room and giggled again. Jane looked at me. "She's definitely your daughter." I rolled my eyes and walked over to Ash. I went to grabbed the knife but Ash pulled it away from me. "No. It mine." I sighed.  "Ash give me my knife." "No." Jane chuckled. Then i got a idea. "You give me my knife and i'll go and get you some cookies." Ash's eyes went wide. "Cookies!" "Yep! But you have to give me my knife first." Ash looked at the knife then me and give me the knife. "Cookie!" Ok i'll go and get one." I walked passed Jane. "That was cheating." I chuckled "Well it worked didn't it?" Jane sighed as i walked out if the room.

Jeff the killers daughterWhere stories live. Discover now