Chapter Three

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"Ok Jeff. What happened?"

Jeff's (POV)

Shit! "Um.... Nothing happened. She was sitting on my bed clinging to me and all of a suddenly she stood up screaming." EJ sighed. "Jeff. Truth. Now. That was a STAB wound on her ankle." "No it wasn't." "You said she was sitting on your bed right?" I need to get him out of here now. "Y-you should go help Nina." "Yea, yea hold on a minute." He walked past me and over to my bed slowly bending down. "EJ Nina could die." Ej chuckled. "No she'll be fine it isn't fatal." I sighed as he looked under my bed. "Look i can explain-" "Explain what? Why there's a pile of hoodies under here?" I look up to see Ash run back into the closet with the knife. I let out a sigh of relief. That's a good girl. EJ stood up and turned to me. "Well i better go down and help the little brat now huh?" I nodded and EJ chuckled while walking out of the room. I quickly shut the door and locked it. Ash ran out of the closet and to me. I picked her up. "Thanks Girly. You really saved me back there." Ash giggled. "Your welcome." Jane walked out of the closet and came over to us. "Ash way did you run out like that?!" Ash crossed her arms over her chest. "Because i wanted too. And i needed to help Da da. She called him a pince? No Dad da not a pince he a king!" I smiled and walked over to the bed. I sat down with Ash on my lap. Jane looked at me weird. "What?" Jane smiled and started walking towards the door. "Nothing." She walked out and closed the door behind her. I looked at Ash. "You know anything about that?" Ash shook her head. I smiled. "I'm a king?" Ash looked up smiling. "Yeah!" I laughed. "Well then...... Doesn't that make you the Princess?" Ash's eyes brightened. "Yeah i'm the pincess!" I chuckled and laid her down on the bed. I covered her up. "Yep! Your my little Princess. And a princess needs her sleep. Goodnight Princess." Ash smiled and hugged me. I tensed up but slowly hugged back. "Goodnight Da da." She laid back down and closed her eyes as i shut the light off and left the room closing the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

The next day: Jeff's (POV)

I woke up to my alarm clock. I groaned and turned it off. I got up out of bed and saw Ash still asleep. I smiled. "Hey Princess. It's time to get up." Ash looked up at me. "Hi Da da." "Hi Princess. Come on it's time to get up." "I don't wanna!" I sighed. "Well you gotta come on." "No." Why must she be so stubborn? "If you get up right now i'll take you with me when i go out." "Weally?!" "Really." Then all of a sudden Ash jumped up up and got outta bed. Now to find her clothes....... Didn't i bring a bag with me? Then someone knocked on the door. "Hold on!" I looked at Ash and she hid in the closet. I opened the door to find Slender. Oh shit. "I was informed that you weren't hungry last night. I would like to know what's wrong." "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine i just wasn't hungry. That's all." After a few minutes Slender nodded. "Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes and i expect you there." I quickly nodded and shut the door. "Da da who was that?" Ash came over to me. I picked her up. "That. That was Slenderman." Ash nodded. Slender is making me go to dinner. Who's gonna stay here to keep Ash outta trouble? I got up and looked through the bag that Angel gave me. I have ten minutes so i could see if there's some clothes in here for her. In the bag was a sippy cup, a bottle of juice, clothes,shoes, money, and a stuffed bunny. I poured the juice into the sippy cup and give it to her along with the bunny. "Ok Princess you stay here and play with your bunny. I'll be back soon and i'll bring you some breakfast ok?" Ash nodded smiling. I gave her quick kiss on her forehead and left the room closing the door behind me.

Ash's (POV)

I watched as daddy left and closed the door. I looked down at me Bunny. It's was white and black with blue eyes. I hugged onto the bunny as i took a sip of my juice. I was getting bored so i put my bunny down on daddy's bed. I walk over to the closet where i left my knife. I picked it up and smiled. I look toward daddy's nightstand as his phone went off. Who was that? I climbed on the bed still holding my knife and grabbed daddy's phone. The name that showed on it was 'Ava' Who's Ava. I answered the phone.

Ava: Jeff where are you?! You where suppose to here ten minutes ago!

Daddy was suppose to go somewhere?

Ava: Jeff answer me where are you?!

Ash: He at home.

'Ava' didn't answer for a few seconds.

Ava: Who is this?

Ash: I Ash

Ava: Why do you have Jeff's phone?

Ash: Because he is eating.

Ava: Well why are you with him?

Ash: Because i am.

Ava: Who the fuck are you.

But....... i told her my name did she not hear me?

Ash: My name Ash i told you.

Then Daddy walked in with my food. I smiled and waved. "Ash what are you doing?" "I'm taking to Ava."

Ava: Is that Jeff? Put him on now!

Daddy took the phone. "Heeey Ava...............Ya i know..............No one...............i'll be there." Then Daddy hung up the phone and looked at me. "Da da who's Ava?" Daddy sighed and picked me up. "Ava is someone who Daddy's going to make go to sleep they just don't know it yet." Go to sleep? "Why are you making them 'Go to sweep' are they tired?" Daddy chuckled. "No princess they're not tired." "Then why are trying to make them go to sleep." Daddy sighed. " Well it's what i do." "How." "With my knife." "You gonna use your knife on her?...." Daddy nodded. "Your gonna stay here with Jane ok?" I smiled and nodded. "Jane!" I watched as Jane runs into the room and slams the door. "What?" "I have somewhere to be." I smiled. "Da da say he goin to make Ava go to sweep." Jane looked and Daddy. "You told her what we do?!" "No i didn't i just said i make them go to sleep with my knife. I swear!" Jane sighed. "And plus she's my daughter if i tell her then i tell her." "Tell me wat?" Daddy and Jane looked at me. "Um......" Daddy sighed. "We kill people." Kill people? "You do?" Daddy nodded. "But mommy said hurting people is bad." "It is. But it's what we do."So when i'm with Daddy it's..... ok? "Ash are you ok?" I looked at Jane and nodded. "Yeah i was tinking." "About?" "A lot of tings."

Jeff's (POV)

"Well...... Imma go now. I'll be back in like an hour or two." And with that i walked out. I quietly walked down the hall and slipped out the door unnoticed thank god..... I walked through the woods and into the town that Ava lived in. I put my hood up and walked down the sidewalk keeping my head down. I walked to Ava's house and climbed to the window. I looked inside to see Ava reading a book. I knock on the window. She looked up at me and walked over. I smiled as she opens the window. I climb in. "Who the fuck's Ash and why did she have your phone?!" I rolled my eyes. "Ash is.......... someone special." "So your cheating on me!" What ew! "What?! Hell. No. She a year old!" Not to mention my daughter. "Yeah right a one year wouldn't be able to talk in full sentences! She's just a slut who's trying to steal you from me!" I grabbed my knife tightly in my pocket. No one talks about my Princess like that. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." "No you deserve to hear this. You cheated on me with that fucking slut! If I ever find her i will kill her. She's just a bitch ass hoe th-" I interrupted her. "You really wanna find her?! Fine! I'll go get her but you'll regret it!" Then i jumped out the window and ran back to the woods. That bitch how could she say that! She will pay! No one calls my Princess a slut nor a bitch ass hoe. I'm going to make that hoe Go to sleep with a little help.... I climbed up to my window and knocked. Jane came over and opened it. "Your ba-" I interrupted her. "I need Ash." Ash came up from behind her. "Hi da da." "Hi Princess. Do me a favor and grab your knife."

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