Chapter Four

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Riu's Pov
I never imagined I was gonna miss home this much, I never thought I would ever find a place that left me slightly out of place. It was a beautiful palace, filled with such kind and caring servants.

With such a man that was feared and all I wanted to do after I was shown to my room for the first few days I wanted to know why Yoongi was feared.

Like I can tell he was scary looking, he even had a scar, but it had to have been more than that. He just started his ruling so he couldn't have been that ruthless, could he?

I stood up brushing off the black pants and sleep top hanbok actually fully annoyed with having to wear these dresses. I liked my body covered up.

I carefully slipped open the screen door poking my head left and right coast was clear with just a few lanterns here and there lit. I shut the screen behind me carefully padding my way through the hallway remembering the little area.

Jimin showed me for the few days of being here when I couldn't sleep or would toss and turn I would sit on this balcony with the best view of the entire kingdom and the cities inside it.

The night was lit up by the many lanterns and lights of people running their little markets, stands, and shops. And then it cast a faint glow over the sky with the moon and stars filled all over.

I carefully leaned my upper body on the railing of the balcony looking down across the palace plaza the guards walking around, the large gate I entered.

"I knew he was gonna show you this place." I didn't exactly jump cause I heard his light padded footsteps.

"Hello, again King Yoongi," I spoke without turning back to look, I heard him step out on the balcony with me before he standing next to me.

"Usually you are sleeping around this time, what's keeping you up?" I questioned finally tearing my gaze away to see his deep brown eyes looking straight at me the cool crisp breeze below through his blonde hair slowly, slightly moving it.

"A lot of things keep me up lately, It's hard to sleep, but I enjoy sleep. Does that make sense." He muttered a small laugh escaped past my lips when I folded my arms over my chest.

"It makes as much sense as you let it my king. " I smiled seeing him crack a faint smile.

"I wanna take a wild guess on what keeps you up at night." I stared at him from the corner of my eye seeing him grab all his loose hair with out a care in the world shifting between his eyes.  He started tossing all his hair up into a high loose ponytail.

  "You are questioning why I choose you when you are so different from all the many women here, so I'll answer, that's why you are a different, yet you are able to speak my native tongue as well as the English language like me. So tell me about yourself."  A low hum left me while I shut my eyes momentarily not enjoy the cold air.

"There's not much to me my king, I am a girl, that comes from a place where woman are looked down on, all places are like that, my father is the chief of our village, which makes me the princess but instead of staying at home making babies I wanted to be a warrior to protect our home. My mom hated the choice and said it was unwoman like to fight battles." I then cracked both my eyes open.

"So in my father's eyes I make him proud for breaking norms, but a disappointment in my mother's eyes, but I don't care. " I chuckled sinking my shoulders back.

"Now I am here with you, but I don't think I'll be staying long, I know just the brief amount of your world, your traditions but not nearly enough for me to become your bride." Yoongi stared at me fully his hand gripping the railing tightly.

"You're wrong because you don't know the three tasks I got to pick, each year we get to pick, and since I'm lazy I made mine semi-easy, don't doubt yourself and your abilities and don't doubt me." My eyes followed his actions to watch him push himself off the railings.

"One of the maids is sending you in new clothes Jimin tells me you don't like woman's hanboks, you like your legs and arms to be covered, I had them design some men's one in female colors, do try and get some sleep, you have your answer, it's a long day tomorrow with the head people." His back was then met with my view before I calmly called out.

"King Yoongi. " He had stopped briefly taking a small glance at me.

"What if that's not what is keeping me up at night, I wanna know why people fear you." He blinked a few times in confusion and he stared at me as if I had grown a second head.

"That's what's keeping you up, you wanna know why my own people fear me?" He spoke walking back over towards me. I nodded staring at his form fully watching just the slightest smirk went over his face. Before he made a slashing motion with his neck.

"I'm a king... If I'm not ruthless then my kingdom will fall, not everyone gets killed just the ones who piss me off, you scared yet?"

With Time Comes A Ruling (Yoongi Ambw)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang