Chapter 3

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     Mila arrived, knocking on the car's blacked window. Richard opened the automatic door which slid inside the car's metal body and back outside to close.

"What have you got?" She asked as she got in.

"Take a look."

"Who's that,"

"I don't know, it's a secret number."

"We can't wait this hour in the car, it'll look suspicious."

"We'll go walking through the square for a while, but first let me tell you the plan."

"What plan? Yours?"


The plan was his.

"Alright go on." She said.

He handed her two metal masks from the backseat.

"Masks? Really?" She asked.

"Don't give me this look, there's more to them." He continued; " you see those eye holes? They're pretty wide, but the metal of which those masks are made has a great reflection capability. So someone looking at you, can't actually look, all he can see is reflective metal, no details."

"We'll have to talk. How about our voices?"

"There's a filter in the mouth area. This is computerized. We'll set it to any voice that sounds nothing like ours. It'll filter our voices."

"Impressive." She said. "Let's go, we should get something to eat."

They left the car, meanwhile,Charles was leaving the cinema, fumbling his way to his car. They Roamed among the crowds for a while and stopped by a small kiosk. They ate protein rich packed pasta. It was thick, flat stripes , drenched in the artificial flavor of red sauce. They drank vitamin rich water, and Mila closed off the meal with wheat, flour, and dairy free cookie.

Ten minutes left for departure.

"Come on, let's get to work." Richard said.

They walked to the car, put the masks in black backpacks. Maneuvering their way through the crowds, they followed him till he reached the alley. It was somewhere near the cinema. An alley branched from a side street by some closed stores, lightened by a single street lamp, not a soul was there. They hid behind a wall, warily watching Charles who was splitting the seconds between checking his phone and turning his head around in every possible direction. Richard still had the flat glass like reader device in hand.

One new message read;
-I might be late, traffic jam, don't walk away.

"Put on your mask." Mila demanded.

"We have to make sure if he'll stay as ordered by the message." He said.

"We're going now." She said.

He moved his head sideways then put on his mask.

"Alright let's go." He said.

They moved forward, unarmed. Charles was facing the dead end before he turned around to face them. He gasped as his phone slipped from his statued hand.

"Who are you? I don't have any money." He stammered.

"Give us the device." Richard commanded.

"What device? You're putting yourselves in danger. You can get yourself killed."

"The device." Said Mila.


"I'm surprised by your alliance. Just hoped it wasn't for dirty work." She said.

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