Chapter 2: First Day of School

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     Lilliths Pov

     I continued making my breakfast and finally got done and ready for school. School is going to be hell this year. I'll be a junior in high school. At least I'll have my best friends Brittany and Callie. Brittany's an angel, while Callie is a calico cat. I don't know why they are my friends though. Im just a useless human who can't be anything useful to this world. But, that's their choice, not mine.

     I head out of the front door and make my way to the bus stop. When I arrive at the stop, I notice a certain boy standing alone. Carter White, the most popular boy at my school. Every girl likes him, and even some guys! He's the HOTTEST guy I've ever seen. I've had a crush on him since the second grade, but not just because of his looks. No, I've fallen in love with his personality. He's also very nice and caring of other peoples' feelings and I love that. He's not greedy with his popularity.

     " Hey Lillith! It's nice to see you today. You excited to go back to school?" Carter asked as he flashed me a large grin. I blushed and looked away.

     " I-It's nice to see you too, and yes, I am excited for the first day!" I say as i gather as much confidence as I can. Somehow, his smile gets even bigger than it was before.

     " That's great! Glad to know SOMEONE who is excited for school. Everyone else I've asked has not been as excited as I am..." He slightly frowned. I hated seeing him frown like that. I got lost in thought and finally snapped out of it when Carter tapped my arm.

     " EEEPPPP!" I exclaimed as I flinched, not realizing I had spaced out. Carter let out a soft chuckle as a blush grew on my face. I held my arm where he tapped me and laughed a little myself. I always seemed to be my real self around Carter, like he lit up my world. I would laugh and smile more often, not even something i did with my friends. 

    " You kinda spaced out there, Lillith. I was getting worried!" He stated with a bit of worry laced in his voice. He's always been so caring. Suddenly, I heard an all too familiar sound making its way towards me and Carter.

     The bus pulled up in front of us and Carter turned away from me to face the bus. I followed his actions and waited for the bus to fully come to a stop. As soon as the doors opened I sauntered onto the bus and immediately tried to find my 'group' of friends. I looked around and finally landed on a brown haired angel and an orange haired calico. I made my way over to them and sat in the seat behind them all by myself.

     " Hey guys. How was your summer vacations?" I asked as I took my backpack off and set it next to me so no one else could sit there. 

     " Mine was good! We went to the beach for a lot of it. Then, we went to see my relatives in America." Callie said and Brittany added " I went to France for two weeks, nothing special."

     " So, how was yours?" Cal asked me. " Y'know me, taking some time for myself and getting prepared for school, 'nothing special'" i did in air quotes to tease Brittany. Cal started laughing a little while Brittany looked a little......angry? Why was she getting mad at me for making a joke? She doesn't really get mad that often, so that was a shocker.

     Cal and I continued having a steady conversation while Brittany would occasionally add in something here and there. Then, the bus came to a halt, Signifying we were at school. 


       words: 651

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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