The Struggle for Tatooine-Part Five

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By the time that the Clawhouse gang arrived on the main New Republic frigate, the X-Wings had dissolved formation, leaving the enemy ship damaged enough to stay still.

"What's going on?" asked Lukas.

"Luke's heading in. Apparently there's a Sith lord on that ship that he needs to take care of," replied Han. 

"So we just....wait?" asked Rose.

"I guess," replied Vinx.

So the group waited, in the hanger bay, beside the Millennium Falcon, while Han went off to do whatever he did these days.  And they waited there, for hours, wondering what was going on. Finally, unable to wait any longer, Hannes dashed off to the nearest ship, Rose following him.

"Hey! You're not allowed to leave!" shouted a docking engineer, as the two took off in a freighter.

It only took a few minutes for the two to dock with the ship, right beside a battered X-Wing, one that looked old as the Imperial era. Racing through the corridors, slipping past the minons and volunteers, too busy trying to keep the ship together, until they reached the bridge.

Sneaking behind a pillar, the two watched as Luke Skywalker and Lady Uski dueled it out, with Phasma trying to pilot the ship. Lightsabers danced as the two clashed with each other aboard the ship. Sweat was dripping down Luke's face as he tried to strike with purpose, but Uski blocked them with ease, laughing and slashing wildly.

Eventually, Luke was knocked to the floor, his lightsaber flung out of reach. Uski thrust her lightsaber just in front of his face, in a position where it would be impossible to avoid if he moved.

"You should've just let the ship burn," Uski taunted. "You're not as spry as you used to be. And even your greatest triumph, was only due to your father's skill."

"Then kill me," said Luke.

"Why should I?"

"Because they'll kill you instead if you don't."

Instantly, Rose jumped out from behind the pillar and shot Phasma straight in the head, then twice into Uski's stomach. While she was hunched over, Hannes flipped through the air and cut through her body, sending her dead corpse to the ground with a thud.

Rose raced over to Luke's lightsaber and tossed it to him. "I believe this is yours," she said.

"Nice job, kids," he said. "What's your names?"

"No time for that," replied Hannes. "Come on, we need to get off this piece of junk before it goes down."

NEXT: The finale with "Beyond the Galaxy" on August 16th.

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