Chapter 1: A helping hand

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Hot.....too hot.... All (Y/N) could see was the blurry image of flames surrounding her. The walls, the ceiling and the floor around her were covered in those dark orange flames, waiting to devour her alive. It was only a matter of time before they reach her, or the smoke elation would take her away. As much as she wanted to move her body out of the way, she couldn't find the strength to rise from the floor. And yet in this chaos, she had no regrets, no reason to fight anymore. She did what was right. Everyone was ok... everyone was safe....

"I....I'm scared...." Her voice sounded so small and frail. A small drop of water in the ocean. She could feel her eyes softly close and she remembered the beginning of it all...just a few days ago.

(Y/N) came to UA not as a student but for a project. She was a college student that was studying psychology and for her finals, She decided to take on the subject of the young heroes of UA. It was gonna be great. She had the permission from Almight himself to go and interview each of the students in class 1A about their passions and their motivations in becoming heroes. As she walked through the gates of UA, she looked up to the gigantic building, feeling a little confident in herself. It would become a big step in her life and so many doors could open from her assignment if all things go to plan.

But thats when she felt a soft shiver behind her back. Like eyes looking upon her. She turned around in a quick moment. Nothing.... odd...

She sat down in a an empty room with two couches and a coffee table. She adjusted her soft (F/C) gloves and placed her documents down, ready to take on the day. The young woman gently began inviting one student at a time to describe their hero persona, their quirks, discuss their ideals for the future, why they came to the academy etc. one student was very boastful on their potential to become number one, to be the best of the best but she thought they might have been a little too intense. But it was rather eye opening that not all would say its to help those in need of help.

The interviews could last from a few minutes to hours. Many were quite vocal about their opinions which lead to lengthy discussions. It took a few days of interviewing but one of the last students that (Y/N) had to interview was a rather shy yet energetic student with green frizzy hair.
"Umm this the interview area?" he asked shyly
"Yes come in, Midoriya. My name is (Y/N)."
"th-thank you, n-nice to meet you.."

As he sat down, the interview went smoothly. He would answer the questions without hesitation and with great enthusiasm. His happy tone, his excitement over what was to come...

" remind me of me when i was your age." (Y/N) slipped and quickly covered her mouth.
"You wanted to be a hero too?" he asked curiously.
At first the young woman wanted to hold back from talking about it but something about the student made her want to confide in him a bit.
"Yes...but my quirk would bring my loved ones and those around me in danger... its a shame is very useful but... wow...its been a while since i talked about it." she gently smiled, in a bit of a nostalgic way.

"Could you...tell me your quirk? I-If its ok of course i wouldn't blame you if you didn't and-"
"no no its ok...actually its been so long and... My quirk is called rebirth.. when i touch someone skin to skin, whether it be a hand shake, a hug, as long as skin makes contact, their fatigue, their pain.. all of it goes to me...and as a bonus they get a boost in their power.. But the draw back is...if they use their new abilities all out at once i may pass out or fall into...." she shivered softly looking away before she continued, looking at her gloved hands "with such a power, it was too dangerous for me to be a hero... i could have become a target for those who would want to use my quirk in a way that could harm others... So i decided to go into psychiatry instead.. It wasn't my first choice but my parents thought it was the safest choice..."

Deku looked to her and smiled. "You are gonna help those who need a voice to pull them out of the dark. Even if you don't use your quirk in your work, it doesn't make you any less of a hero. I think so.." he smiled with such a kind smile on his lips. (Y/N) was left a little stunned but quickly snapped out of it and smiled to him

"You are right Midoriya..." she smiled

Later on that night,
(Y/N) was walking through the streets of the city streets, on her way back to her flat. She finally finished her interviews so now it was time to analyze and produce date from the answers. She gently sighed and smiled. The young woman missed having a full nights sleep but college kept her awake with so many assignments. As she fantasized the idea of just having one good night of rest, thats when she heard the sound of screaming...and fire roaring in the night. Before she could think of what to do, her legs carried her towards the sounds. It was like a moth attracted to a distant light. She needed to be there and nothing would stop her. The building appeared in the distance. The flames were eating away at the foundations and a crowd began to gather.


"Im trying but theres no signal here!"


(Y/N) heart began racing. The child's screams in the building were too much. She couldn't take it. The past kept haunting her and before she could snap out of it, she ran into the burning building. Her eyes widened as second thoughts crept there way in... what if she didn't make it...what if the child is doomed.. (Y/N) shook her head and began running in the directions of the screams, giving into her adrenaline kick.

"Kid! KID! Please come to my voice!" she coughed heavily as the smoke was starting to effect her. The boy quickly ran to her sobbing. He looked so small as he held on to her dress. "Its ok...lets get you out of here..."

Her mind was beginning to blur from adrenaline and smoke. Last she could remember was pushing the child out of the building through an open door. The young woman was making her way to follow the child out but then... a loud crash...

Darkness...her ears ringing..... head pounding as blood gently slid on her face from her wound.

That's where she was.... debris covering her, no escape to be found and the fire was ready to claim the building with her inside.

"Its....its gonna be ok.." she softly spoke to herself. " it.....isn't that what heroes do....or was i foolish? hehehe..." she coughed heavily and panted softly. Her eyes began feeling heavy "...."

Before her eyes fully closed, a soft blue light appeared. It looked somewhat beautiful in her eyes. Then the orange lights began to change to a dreamy blue. Was it an allusion?

"Hey.... you still conscious?" A dark husky voice could reach her but it felt so far away like a dream. "You seem to be breathing still... good...then fetching you won't be for nothing..." A pair of arms scooped her up from the hard ground and into a warm tender chest. The only voice that came out of her lips before darkness filled her vision was "is he...ok?"

The man was quiet for a minute and looked to her. "The kid you saved is fine...if thats what your askin'....he's been screaming out for you outside..." And thus her eyes closed and darkness took over.

He gently sighed as he walked out of the building as he could hear the sirens coming in. "Made it in time it seems..." He walked away holding his new prize. "Good job kid... "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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