That fateful night

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There in the living room of number 4 privet Drive stood a young girl six years of age with fear in her eyes. Her overweight whale of an uncle yelling at her "GET OUT! I don't want you back here until tomorrow! I won't have your freakish self around when the Andersons get here. GO! NOW!" And the little girl did just that. Her aunt stood in the doorway watching the small girl with a lightning bolt scar on her head pack her meagre belongings with tears in her eyes, wishing she could make everything easier for her young niece.

Cassia or Cas as the young girl was often called packed up her thin blanket, the relatively new jumper her aunt had given her, and some food her cousin had been able to sneak her. Cassia quickly and quietly left the house.

Petunia, young Cassias aunt turned towards her husband with pleading eyes. "She's only a child Vernon she shouldn't be on the streets all alone. Especially at night." In a gruff voice Vernon replied "She's a Freak, she'll be fine. If she isn't, well, who cares?" with a shrug Vernon turned and sat down on the couch to continue watching the telly.

Meanwhile, Cassia had walked down to the park she knew all too well. Her uncle often kicked and locked her out of the house when he had company coming. Because of this Cassia often sat in the park and read. Grabbing the book she had hidden in the park a few days before she climbed into the small tunnel to the side of the park and read till the sun went down.

With no light left in the sky Cassia was left scared, she had never quite got over her fear of the dark. It was one reason Vernon enjoyed locking her in the cupboard under the stairs so much. Cassia especially hated the dark on full moons though. Little Cassia had loved fiction books for as long as she could remember and had read so much about werewolves and vampires that the idea of being out on a full moon scared her. Even if she was constantly being told such creatures did not exist.

As the night went on she resisted sleep, too scared to allow her body that vulnerability. That fear was soon heightened when she heard branches breaking and a low growling noise. Cassia was soon staring face to face with a giant wolf  like creature. The creature smelling her fear, pain, and... blood... he slowed and started crawling into the tunnel nearing the girl that was now frozen in fear.

Ignoring the painful bruises and cuts she had got from her uncle from both earlier that same day and the few previous days she started to back away from the wolf that laid down in front of her. The wolf didn't move just looked up at her tilted it's head and whined before laying it's head back down on its paws.

After a minute the wolf looked up at her, he began to sit up before nuzzling her arm. Cassia asked the wolf in a small voice "are you going to eat me?" After getting an almost human shake of the head from the wolf she continued. "are you going to bite me?" the wolf gave a slow nod. Taking a deep breath Cassia once again spoke "Do you have to? My uncle already hates me but if I'm a werewolf he may actually kill me."

The wolf could hear the certainty and nervousness in the girls voice. But the wolf smelling infection knew that the bite may save the young girls life. Making up his mind the wolf moved slowly towards her and bit her arm careful to make it as painless as possible.

Inside Cassias body her magical core, the Lycanthropy, and a piece of dark magic coming from the small lightning bolt scar on her forehead started fighting. The lycanthropy and her magical core pushed out the dark piece of magic. A black ink like substance now streaming from the notorious scar on her forehead. This fight between the different types of magic left her magical core and a watered down Lycanthropy gene inside her body. Cassia quickly fell into a peaceful sleep her body completely exhausted. The wolf that had just bit her lying protectively next to her.

The gift of being a Werewolf Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon