The next morning

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When Cassia woke the next morning the wolf was gone and she was once again alone. Cassia felt very weak and could barely move. Ignoring the weakness she crawled out of the tunnel re-hid her book and started her walk back to 4 Privet Drive.

When she got to the house she knocked lightly on the door scared of what her uncle would do once he knew of her arrival back home. Seeing her aunt open the door caused her to sigh a breath of relief. "Cassia, I'm so happy your okay." Petunia breathed out.

Noticing how unwell Cassia looked she hurried her into the kitchen and sat her down. Vernon had left for work early this morning. Petunia made up some food placed it in front of Cassia and let her eat.

Once Cassia finished eating Petunia asked what had happened the previous night. Cassia recounted the events of the night leaving her aunt bewildered. When she was finished recounting the events Petunia told her to pack before hurrying upstairs to tell Dudley to do the same.

Petunia ran into the room she shared with Vernon. Crawling under the bed she pulled out a hidden box with a ribbon in it. Petunia hurriedly packed stuffing the ribbon in her pocket, and rushed downstairs. Petunia looked  up at the clock over the mantel 5:45 P.M. Vernon will be home soon. Five minutes later Cassia, Dudley, and Petunia were at the base of the stairs with their bags.

Petunia pulled out the ribbon and said "This is going to sound weird but this ribbon is what is called a portkey. You need to hold on to this ribbon and when I say a specific word it will activate. This will send us to somewhere safe but it may make you feel a little sick at first." getting nods she held out the ribbon.

Once all three of them were holding on to it Petunia in a clear voice said "Hawthorn". 4 privet drive was now left completely silent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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