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The next morning, Jisung hurriedly put on his school uniform because he overslept again. He stayed up all night wondering how mafia AUs work because mafias don't have time to fall in love with people. (And here I am writing a story about a mafia boss and a college student falling in love)

Anyways, he went downstairs to meet up with his friends so that they can go to school. As they walked towards their school, they heard a very familiar voice shouting at a distance.

“Hey, Wait for me!”

Jisung, Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin, Ryujin and Jeongin turned around and saw Yeji, smiling at them.

“You finally came to school?” Hyunjin smiled at his twin sister.

“Yeah, I got bored so I guess why not” the female replied.


Their first class finished and as Jisung was walking towards his second class, he heard a female calling him. He turned around and saw Yeji, smiling at him, “I need you to help me with something”

“Sure, what do you need?” the younger smiled back.

“There's a rap student here named Aisha and I need you to bring her to the main gate after school” the grey haired female requested.

“Okay, I know her! She's one of the tallest girls here and she's really friendly” Jisung agreed and went on his way to his next class.

Lucky for Jisung, Aisha was there in his class. He took a seat next to the girl and hummed a little tune while swinging his legs back and forth. To say that Aisha looked like a babysitter is understandable.

“So, Aisha, do you think you can meet up with me later at the front gate after school?” Jisung asked as he rubbed his palm.

“Uhm, sure? But I can only stay there for a couple of minutes” the female answered with a smile.

“Good Morning class” their professor greeted.

“Good Morning sir” the whole classroom stood up and bowed.


School finally ended and Jisung, along with his friends and Yeji were at the gate waiting for Aisha.

“You guys should go on, I'm gonna wait for Aisha instead” Yeji smiled.

“Nah sis, we're waiting here” Ryujin crossed her arms and leaned on her left leg.

“Lets gooo, I want to get paid” Felix whined and grabbed everyone's hands and left. Leaving Yeji and Jisung behind.

After a few minutes, Aisha finally came with a smiley face and her school uniform changed to a much more comfortable attire; white sweatpants and a black shirt.

“So what do you need me for?” the tall female asked with a pretty smile.

“Do you happen to know where the Dreamies are?” Yeji questioned as Aisha's smile faded.

“I may know” the taller smirked, “But you'll have to do something for me first”

“And what's that?” Jisung asked as Aisha's disappeared and she smiled genuinely.

“Borrow Gyu from Changbin!” the younger smiled happily as she clapped her hands.

Now Yeji and Jisung were confused. A giant wanting a midget's stuffed toy, for a piece of important information.

“I'll wait until lunch time tomorrow” the dark haired female smiled for the last time and walked away.

“That's gonna be pretty hard” Yeji sighed.

“Why?” Jisung questioned.

“Changbin won't easily give his plushie away” the older replied.

Stan Dreamcatcher, Stream BOCA
and let's not forget, STREAM GODS MENU TO 100m

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