Chapter 15

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I didn't know what to think! Anthony had given me his cell phone number! It was a good thing I got a phone from David last christmas or I wouldn't have been able to call him! David said that every twenty year old needed a phone and those who didn't have one, were losers who ended up dying alone. Except that was a bit harsh though.

The rest of the day I couldn't concentrate. Not even during classes. My professors were getting frustrated, I could tell, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the little folded it of paper in my pocket.

Finally the painfully boring hours of the day passed by and at around 4pm I was back to my dorm. Mari was back of course. She went to less classes than I did but she still managed to pass well in everything.

I threw my bag on the floor as I walked in, kicking the door closed with my foot. "Hi." I called, turning around after taking my jacket off, to find Mari on the floor with an xbox controller firmly in her hands.

I swear that is all she ever did. Play video games. Oh wait, I lied. She played video games and went out to a million parties a night.

"Hey." She answered. There was a grin spread widely across her face but her eyes didn't leave the screen. "Little birdy told me 'bout your secret admiror!" She sang, taking a second to glance over at me.

I blushed. "Who? Who's the birdy?" I asked, outraged. Me and Anthony were strictly confidential! Even if we weren't...actually together yet.

"David. Who else?"

How was it possible for Mari to know everyone? I didn't even know she was friends with David! Even people in neighbouring colleges, she knew. She knew everything about everyone.

"That gossipy biatch." I muttered and sat down beside my friend. Mari continued to play, seemingly oblivious to me even sitting beside her.

"Anyway..." I sighed and rolled my eyes whilst pressing the backs of my hand to my reddening cheeks. "He's not a secret admiror. He's just an admiror now. Since I know who he is and stuff. He gave me his number in person."

"In person, huh? and you didn't wet yourself? No way." Mari giggled. How dare she. I don't wet myself anymore. I'm not as shy as I used to be. Thanks to her.

I scowled. "No! I played it really cool. Trust me." I said, drawing my eyes up to the screen. Regretfully, I sheilded them with my hands from the blood, gore and scary images on the TV. Why couldn't she play nicer games? Games that aren't so frightening!

"Trust you? HA!" Mari cackled, finally switching off the game upon realizing I was grossed out by it.

"Oh!" I suddenly exclaimed, jumping to my feet and pulling out the bit of paper. That glorious piece of paper with that sexy beast's number on it. "I must call him! Have you seen my mobile anywhere?"

"You mean your phone? The one you never even opened. And don't call it a mobile." She sighed in amusement as she rose to her feet. "Nobody calls it that anymore."

I had already started searching for it under my bed and in my cupboards. Darn it! Why didn't I ever think of keeping it safe just in case something amazing happened, like Anthony giving me his number for example! "Come help me!" I whined to her.

She released a groan of frustration. I knew how much my whining annoyed her so I coudn't help but giggle.

Thankfully, with Mari's help we found it in the sock drawer of my chest of drawers. It was a weird place to have found it, but I was too excited about calling Anthony to help.

"First of all, you are not calling him. You're texting him." Mari said sternly, putting both hands on her hips.

"B-But...Anthony said 'Call Me' Look on the paper! I have it in black and white!" I argued, thrusting the paper proudly in front of her face.

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