A question

526 21 1

^Me anytime I take so long to publish a new chapter but act like nothing happened


Day 2 till 4 where rather emotionless. Nothing to special happened as no one wanted to kill, even if Monokuma reminded them that everyday. Everyone was to scared to even touch someone they barely talk to. Everyone wanted to mostly stay alive and talk with people that could give them nice and interesting stories, like Rantaro. He told stories about his sisters and how he wanted to go on adventures with them if he knew where they were, he was even thinking for a while if his ultimate was doing something with nature or adventures, everyone even agreed to it. Kokichi was the most Interested into Rantaro's Story, hearing all those siblings having fun together and being all happy made him feel something. He felt disgusted or rather, jealous. Jealous of how much fun they had while he had to suffer. He was about to wish that Rantaro had the same pain as he had but at the same time, he couldn't wish that, something stopped him.
This is why he offered Rantaro to help finding the green haired's sister this morning when everyone was asleep. On day 5 of this crazy unwanted adventure.

Kokichi's POV

C'mon! Say something Rantaro! I can't just wait forever, what if people will come and ask what I just did?!
I only asked Rantaro if I could help him  find his sisters when we are out and he just freeze. What the fuck?? Rude much.
I just stayed there, looking at the taller man that showed no emotions expect of surprised, wich his glowing green eyes being so wide and his soft, perfect lips being slightly departed from each other.
Damn, he do have the looks, can imagine why some of the girls have a crush on him. But looks don't matter, only how they act really and for now he only wanted to act distant to me... how rude.
I kept on waiting patiently till I heard some footsteps coming, without hesitation I whispered "you better answer that question this evening Avocado dummy" and ran to my room unnoticed.
What the fuck goes trough Rantaro's mind anyway? He seemed more than distracted before and I just want to know.
Well, time to be bored and do absolutely nothing to the whole time till evening.


While Kokichi was being bored in his room Rantaro was thinking. He was thinking why Kokichi asked that and if it was a usual lie. Noticing someone coming Rantaro was startled but remembered that near his room there was the cafeteria. Noticing that he started going to the cafeteria to get some snack. While going the Person came to him, he knew who it was from the way his voice sounded. "Hey Rantaro" it was a slightly dark voice, like the person didn't sleep at all. But who would have slept normally when you are stuck in a killing game? "Oh hello Shuichi. How did you sleep?" Rantaro asked while hearing the smaller man yawning. "The beds are getting worse to sleep on. Is that some kind of way to make us kill? To get a better bed?" shuichi explained exhausted in wich Rantaro chuckled. „Maybe it is, we have no Idea and we will Never have an idea about that" Rantaro Said with a voice of confidents. Knowing no one would kill anyone as it's dangerous and everyone didn't even want to touch anyone. Shuichi only nodded to Rantaro's words, being to tired to even think properly he went with the green haired inside of the cafeteria. They were both greeted by everyone, everyone except Kokichi. They were all eating while keeping distance (and this is how people should do now. No COVID-19 Ū-Ū), still to scared that someone will kill them. Most people that were sitting close they were friends that they could trust, or this is what they thought. Everyone had fear of backstab.
As soon as the two boys were there Shuichi went to Kaede, the only He genuinely has trust in. While Rantaro went to the kitchen to get some snack, not really participating to the breakfast. After getting the snack the latter man went away without being noticed by anyone. It was hard as he is one of the most tallest but he could do anything without being noticed. Going to his room his thoughts went again to what Kokichi said. He couldn't trust Kokichi but what he said made Rantaro wanting to trust Kokichi. No one ever said that they could help him finding his sisters and Kokichi says that. Even if it was probably a lie, it still gave Rantaro some small shine of hope.  Hope that he could find his sisters again and live happily.... after the killing game was done.
Being in his room Rantaro started thinking of everything that has happened in this days. All the despair and hope that came out of nowhere and how everyone was fearing. How brutal someone could think was terrifying but this is what people should be thinking now, how brutal can a person think to make it reality. Rantaro was so deep in thoughts that Hours flew so fast that he couldn't notice that it was already evening by now.
He was still thinking while writing all the possibilities of killings down, starting to learn how someone could probably kill. As much as he was terrified of it, he kept writing, needing to know. He wrote how people like Gonta or Kaede could kill and probably even the time it will happen.
He kept on writing till he heard a knock on his door. That reminded Rantaro to check the time. As he did the knocks became louder, like someone was banging on the door by now. He noticed it was evening so he quickly remembered at what Kokichi said before he left. Being calm Rantaro put the paper away, not wanting that Kokichi would see those papers as it was still on work and would never show anyone that, only to the people he trust wich is no one for now. The banging became louder and louder that almost hurt Rantaro's ears but he kept the calmness and went to the door. Opening it he saw Kokichi. Being clearly annoyed of Rantaro being late and just having this one questions.
"So, what's your answer?"

Quick thing before I leave this here. If you want to know more from me, my Instagram is kyukichi_ . And irl Nagito somehow so haha-
And if you know me from Danganronpaeveryday, hello!!! :D

Thank you that read so much now:
-Drink Water
-eat something
-worship hope
-take ya medicine

Words: 1129

Love is a riddle/Oumami fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن