Whataburger Date (Sapnap x Reader)

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This was your first official date with Nick. Naturally, you were nervous, but this was a casual date. Neither of you were too fond of the idea of going on big, fancy dates for a first date. So, a fast food restaurant was what the two of you settled on. Whataburger. You'd agreed to meet each other there at 6. 

So, there you were. Waiting for Nick to show up as you sat outside of the Whataburger on one of the benches. A smile crossed your lips when you saw his car pull into the parking lot, and Nick crawl out of it, waving over at you excitedly. 

"Hey, N/N!" Nick called from across the parking lot, walking over towards you. "You ready for the best date in the entire world?" he asked with a small grin, extending his arm towards you.

Nodding, you slipped your arm into his. "Hell yeah I am," you responded, lightly bumping your hip into his, earning a small laugh from Nick. 

He guided you towards the door. Once there, he let go of your arm and headed to open the door for you. "M'lady," he murmured, bowing a little and pretending to tip a hat to you.

You bowed in response. "Thank you, kind sir," you murmured in response, lifting your head to offer a warm smile to him. You straightened your posture and headed inside of the Whataburger.

~Timeskip because I literally don't know what fast food dates would look like, I'm sorta shit at romance.~

As you guys began to finish up eating, Nick cast a glance outside. "Wow, it's raining pretty hard out there," he remarked. A flash of lightning caused him to tense up a little bit. "Fun," he murmured sarcastically. 

Under your breath, you began to count. Upon reaching 15, an aggressive rumble of thunder interrupted your counting. "Storm's a few miles away, we'll be fine," you assured, offering him a little smile.

"Yeah, you're right." 

"Always am," you joked with a little wink.

Nick laughed a bit at that. "We should probably head out," he remarked. You both got up, disposing of the trash you had. "Y/N, here," he told you, taking off his jacket and handing it to you. "So you don't get wet." 

You faltered for a moment, softening some. "You sure?" You asked, not wanting him to get wet either. "We can just share it," you informed. 

"No, it's okay. I'll just change when I get home," he informed. "Really. You can have it."

With reluctance, you nodded, and instead of putting it above your head, you slipped it on and put the hood up. The jacket was way too big on you.

"Can you stop being cute for ten seconds?" Nick questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.

"Nah," you teased, looking outside for a moment. A bright, shit-eating grin crossed your face as you looked back at Nick. "Ready?"

With a nod, Nick pushed open the door, letting you run out first as the two of you ran outside.

Nick followed you to your car, even going and opening the door for you. 

You faltered some, and, before you climbed into the car, you looked at Nick. "Thank you for the great dinner," you told him, quickly pressing a warm kiss to his lips. 

Although surprised, Nick didn't quite hesitate to press his lips against yours in a warm kiss. 

A flash of lightning caused you both to pull away, but instead of sheepish smiles, you both exchanged content, happy laughter. 

"You wanna come hang out at my place for the night?" Nick offered some. 

( To be continued...? )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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