Im just asking-

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So I've asked my irl best friend if they could help me out and they haven't responded, And I dont really want to keep going over and over with publishing the pages just to reply

But I need one person

OnE pErSoN

To either help me make a new account (Because I have no other emails to use that I can verify)


Share an account maybe (I will not be going into your stuff, only my stuff, I also won't be making a shit ton of books because I know that'll get annoying, when I post I will just say that it is Jay (I dont want Charlie finding out and starting to delete your account because I'm on it) I will follow whatever you say and boom, I can have a proper account for now

I also won't be asking for roleplays that much since I can just go to the profiles I was role-playing with and roleplay with them

I'm not blessing you, I'm just asking

You dont have to do one or both of those if you dont want to-


Tank uuu! You can make it and just PM this account the password, dont make it so Charlie can find me though

Is it all lowercase in the username?

I was scared for a minute xD I shall wait then



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