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Hello to all,
I recently logged back into wattpad after being inactive for sometime and was astonished to see so many of you wonderful people still read my works. I started writing on wattpad when I was 14 years old and now almost six years later, I am a couple months away from my twentieth birthday.

I just first want to thank every single last one of you all who continue to support me despite my hiatus. In the year I have been away from wattpad, I have been brainstorming an idea for a new book of mine. This book will now only be my first fantasy/sci-fi book but it will also aid as an exemplar for how I have grown as a writer in the last year. I am so excited to share this with all of you. The first chapter is up on my page now. I look forward to reading you all's reactions to my new novel.

To those who are still interested in the Faiths story I do have plans to upload more parts of this book. After all this time I still can't believe I get new reads on this book every week. Out of love and dedication to this particular audience Brownskin will be making a return. Look for a new part in the next two weeks.

With love

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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