My dream

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I had a funky dream last night and thought I'd share it

I was at a wedding on an ice thingy in the middle of the ocean. Omoi from Naruto was there except his name was Bryce. It was my dad's co-workers wedding. She's already married in real life but we'll forget that. After the wedding, Bryce and two small children (they were baby versions of my friends. We'll call them G and R cause I'm not saying their names on the interwebs) got on a boat that looked like a plane. It was also the dead of night during this wedding and the ice was glowing like that one scene in MOANa (i had to). Anyway, I was then at Pokemon battle grounds. Lots of Gible were there. My sister (we'll use C) was there with three of her friends that are not real people. One of them was lesbian, had pink and yellow hair, and could turn into a bug (she didn't have a name, we'll use Bug Girl). Pretty cool. Then Bryce, R, and G returned. Me, C, Bug Girl, R, and G got back in the plane boat thingy. It was now Teen Titans Go animation. You know, the pink rocks and stuff. We were going to my friend's (we'll use E) family's vacation home, but they don't even have a vacation home in real life. Then it switched to a YouTuber called MVPerry. He was looking for a vacation home in the same area, but couldn't find one. Switching back to us, we got to the neighborhood, but couldn't find the house. We then started searching an apartment building. Bryce was back. Each door had some weird game you had to play to get in, and Bryce got in one but left us behind. Bug Girl was now gone. I pointed to a different area and said "Look! There's some more over there!" We walked over to that area. Turns out it was a laundromat with sketchy apartments. My friend J was there washing clothes by hand. He was wearing those caps that maids wore. C, R, and G disappeared. I watched J fail miserably at washing clothes. 

The end.

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