Chapter Ten

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story. Really hope you like it. There's one chapter to go then the story will be ending. I think the last chapter will be the longest out of all the previous ones. Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

"I don't think I can do this" 

"What? Of course you can" I assured Niall. He'd finally been discharged from the hospital and was able to go home. Niall's suicide attempt has been all over the news, All over social media. Although the fans have been assured Niall is perfectly safe all of them are still worried for him. Of course the press are having a field day. The boys and I have stayed away from twitter apart from to update the fans. 

"I really can't do this" Niall mumbled before sitting back down on the bed. I sighed before placing Niall's bag on the floor and going to sit beside him on the bed. "Everybody knows. Everybodys going to look at me and treat me different because of this. The minute I leave this hospital I'll have cameras shoved in my face. I'll have reporters shouting questions at me. I'll have people judging me" Niall looked at me with fear in his eyes. "I can't face that Zi" He cried out, I quickly wrapped my arms around him. 

"But you can't hide away forever either. Niall you haven't done anything wrong and nobody out there has the right to judge you. The press they don't matter. What they write dosen't matter. All they care about is filling up a paper, Nobody listens to what they write. And the fans they won't judge you. They only want to know your alright. It's all they care about. Everyday there's at least three trends on twitter from the fans letting you know they love you and they want you back on your feet" Niall looked at me. "When you walk out this hospital you walk out with your head held high because you've nothing to be ashamed of. You and I are going to walk out together and I'll be by your side" I assured him, Niall smiled weakly and nodded his head. 

"Where are the lads?" Niall asked.

"They'll be round to see you tomorrow. They want you to settle back in today" I informed him as I slowly stood up from the bed. I extended my hand. "You ready?" I questioned, Niall inhaled deeply and nodded his head. He took hold of my hand and got to his feet, I gently squeezed his hand and picked up his bag. We exited the room together. Niall's grip on my hand tightened as we approached the exit of the hospital. His palms were sweating. I knew there was reporters outside. I'd already arranged for Paul to have a car ready and waiting outside for us. As we approached the door Paul was stood there with a warm smile on his face. 

"How are you Niall?" Paul asked when we stopped infront of him.

"Better" I squeezed Niall's hand. "Alot better" Paul smiled.

"Good, I'm glad. Right listen. There's loads of paparazzi out there" Niall squeezed my hand tightly.

"It's alright" I assured him.

"I want you both to stay close to me. The cars parked outside but you know how they can get. Once inside the car I want seatbelts done up quickly so we can get out" Paul explained, I nodded my head.

"Stay close to me alright?" I stated, Niall nodded his head and I placed my arm tightly around him. The door to the hospital was opened and instantly we heard the screaming of paparazzi. The flashes of cameras. Paul pushed us through the crowd and Niall and I held onto eachother tightly. 

"Niall what caused all this?"

"Niall why'd you do it?"

"Niall don't you believe you owe people a explanation?"

"Niall look this way"

"Zayn how do you feel about your band mates attempted suicide?"

"Niall when will you be going into a rehab centre?"

"Niall show us your scars"

"Zayn" Niall chocked out. 

"Stay close to me. Ignore them and stay close to me" I whispered. Paul got us to the car as quickly as he could. Once the door was opened I allowed Niall to climb inside first. He quickly shot inside the car and I climbed in after him. Paul quickly closed the car door and Niall sighed in relief. Niall and I both put on our seatbelts and I looked over at him. "Come here" I said softly. Niall laid his head on my shoulder and I placed my arm around him. 

"You boys alright?" Paul asked when he climbed into the car, I slowly nodded. 

"Just wanna go home" Niall mumbled.

The whole journey home Niall stayed close to me. I held onto him tightly and the car was filled with silence. All the lads saw the commotion on the telly and texted me to ask if we were both alright. I quickly sent them a reply as we pulled into our home. I noticed Niall inhale deeply before he opened the car door and climbed out, I followed after him and Paul handed me Niall's bag. 

"Will you boys be alright?" Paul asked me.

"Yeah we'll be fine mate" I replied, Paul looked over to Niall who was heading for the frontdoor. 

"Will he be alright?" He whispered, I looked over at Niall and then back at Paul.

"When all this is behind us yeah. He was dreading that encounter with the press and he'll be dreading public appearances aswell but he's not on his own" I said, Paul nodded his head. 

"Take care of him Zayn" I nodded my head. 

"I will. Thanks Paul" I said, I then followed Niall to the frontdoor. I pulled my key from my pocket and placed it in the lock. The second the door was opened Niall walked inside and headed straight for the couch. I walked in after him closing the door behind us. I didn't bother taking Niall's bag into our bedroom, I knew he needed me. I walked straight into the living room and sat down beside Niall on the couch, He quickly cuddled close to me. 

"That was horrible. I knew it'd be bad but not that bad" Niall whispered, I gently kissed his forehead. 

"It won't last forever Ni. Once everyone see's that your back on your feet they'll leave it alone. They'll leave you alone. And for the whole time you got me and the boys right beside you" I assured him, Niall sighed. 

"I don't want what I did to affect any of you. What if it ruins everything?" Niall chocked out. 

"It won't. Niall the fans are behind us they won't let anything bad happen. Once they see that your back they'll be so happy. And when we tell them about us they'll be over the moon" I said, Niall smiled.

"It'll be hard speaking about everything, But as long as I have you I can do it" Niall exclaimed, I smiled and gently kissed his lips.

"You always got me. I promise"

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