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My name is Kaylynn, but people call me Kaylyi. I'm 17 years old. I don't live with my parents. I live with my cousin, cause his mom, my aunt, thought it be better if i stayed so we could bond again. My parents got into a car accident and died on impact. I was the only survivor. It was pretty scary, I still have nightmares about that day. It's not easy loosing parents. It really sucks. Especially when they've been there for you your whole life and you don't know what you'd do without them. Well, that's how I am.

And besides, It'll be weird living with my cousin. I'll be the ONLY girl in the house. There's 6 guys including my cousin. You still don't know what my cousin's name is do you? I'm sorry, my cousin's name is Ricky, Ricky Dillion.

Save Me // JC CAYLENWhere stories live. Discover now