chapter one fear .

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You stand in the darkness just kicked out of your own house my your boyfriend some boyfriend he was . With a sigh you turn and walk away towards your best friends house a few blocks away only when you get there to hear the most heartbreaking you have heard in all most 4 years . " Oh (name ) I hate her I am only "friends " with her to get with her hot boyfriend . " Hot tears poured down your face at this but she isn't done yet " and get This he's been cheating on her with me for the last year God she's so pathetic. " You walk over to her she hasn't seen you yet as she's faced away from you . You cleared your throat . She paled and hung up the phone . "Hey ."  Before you even knew what you were doing your hand whipped across her face in a satisfying cracking sound . " I never should have trusted either you you bitch . You say with tears pouring down your face tell that bastard you call a boyfriend me and him are over . " You turn around and begin to walk in the other direction away from the home the love and life you had built over the last 4 years . You had run away from home when you were only 6 years old and had spent your life running fr the people who were supposed to love you . At last when you turned 18 you could stop running and had tried to build a life . You should have known that fate hated you to much to let you have a normal life . You turned into a dark alleyway only to hear footsteps behind you . You never had time to turn around before you heard the words I'm sorry and sharp fangs pierced your neck and whole world went black with pain and shock .

Katsuki bakugou
I stood there listening to the boyfriend yell at the girl and followed her to her friends house by the end of it . I couldn't help but feel pity for the pathetic human . Damn  it what was wrong with me ? Just kill her before you go soft . She walked down a dark alleyway and I knew it was time to strike . But before I lunged I whispered I'm sorry . My fangs sank into her neck and her sweet oh so damn sweet blood filled my mouth . But it had a dark taste to it as well that only humans who had suffered could have . I drank greedily as the first of her  memories came into my mind . I saw a small girl crying as vampires fed on her I could feel the pain of the bite .  As the memory consumed me I felt her no my Mouth yelling mama papa stop please . Shut up you useless brat your only use is to be food . I felt the pain of how those hit me  . Then I turned and run out the door never to come home . I slowly pulled my fangs out . Pity for the human was strong with in me she had passed out from pain and blood loss . Anger was also strong . It would have been so easy for them to turn her but instead they used her as a blood source something highly illegal in the vampire world . I sighed and picked up the sleeping girl she was crying in her sleep . At least I could give her a few more nights to live . She at least deserves some last words . I carried her home and let her rest . What the hell am I doing ?! I've never ever let my prey have last words I always kill them before they have a chance to scream . So why is this girl different ? She's just one more human  she is food . But there's something different about her . Fuck .. what if THEY get word of this ? I'll never recover . Physically and reputation wise . I saw the human girl wake up out of the corner of my eye good  . I turned . Well human I'll give you ten minutes to say your last words and last request. After that I'll finish the job . She paled but said something that shocked me to my core .

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