the whole story in one chapter

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Loved one/ bf/husband explaining that I have been dead for 1500 years normally if die. I'm dead from a few seconds to 1 year. I get reincarnated. I am a special superhero that cannot fully die. We were married. I went out one day to get something and never came back I was murdered, stabbed in chest and left on street. I don't remember anything. Before reincarnation normally I do but we don't remember anything before becoming a hero.

We are in a hotel trying to defeat this guy. I get kidnapped into a room. A gun held to my head. He grabs knife nearly stabbed in neck. I think he was the one who killed me all those years ago. I look up at the open brief case it is filled with killing tools. 'Should I stab you like last time' I look at a bottle of poison "or poison you" I black out a special red ring is attached to me it controls my brain he orders me to kill my loved one I try and end up cutting above his right eye I snap out of it I apologise I feel really bad and guilty. They (4 of them 5 altogether 2 girls) ask me what happened. I tell them I remember seeing the poison and knife nothing else.

We were walking up the stairs I look at my bf he has a scar above his right eye I feel really guilty he smiles at me I give a small smile back I relies my top is coming down the guys sinker 2 guys bf just gives a seductive smile and walks off girl kover asked if I'm ok.

we hear stuff falling and breaking up stairs we run up see the guys fighting off this dude we help one of the guys gets killed red dude we hear a woman screaming I the room next to me we all know its him being reincarnated I run in others yelling after me saying he can do it himself but I just wanna help the woman says she's giving birth I help deliver baby it's a McDonalds hash brown the laddie screams in Spanish that she want me to lay the baby next to the Jesus statue with a candle to make the baby holy ' you sure know how to give an entrance' I say referring to the hash brow I turn around ' sure do' he says as he morphed into he before appearance we walk out the room seeing the dude is dead on the floor kover walks to the room. I and red were just in.

I talked to loved one for a little. kover bf says that there's an army outside I storm to the front entrance there is a mini fence length to just under my knees and another one bigger on the other door way 'I have made a gate' she says floating 'pfft this gate cant' stop me I say kicking it down 'honey the gate wasn't for you' she says then referring to behind me confused I look behind me a few people behind me walking toward the front exit like mindless zombies I look at the girl floating 'I was just trying to help' she says then flying off I freak out trying to put the gate back I let the gang through then close the mindless zombies trying to break through

'that won't hold' I say to myself I look at the gang I notice that kover wasn't with them 'where's kover were is she is she still in the 'other room she went through the widow calm down' loved one says finishing my sentence 'I'm going to find something to block the door way with' I say then heading I to the next room remembering there was a huge desk in it. because of my small figure it was hard for me to carry it but not impossible I carried it to the hall way when loved one come and helps me we take a break and looked at the mindless zombies ring and I notice it to be the same I have 'what's this red ring for zombie' I ask the zombie no answer ' this is a mind controlling devise I say holding the zombies hand up referring to the ring then the same ring on my finger he nods we carry the desk to the entry I get a little exited for the fight but loved one pushes me and closes the entry 'what are you doing!' I ask feeling upset ' I can't lose you again 'loved one says and runs off I try and find way out but it's all blocked off then I hear the man's voice In my head 'sleep' its commands in a whisper I pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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