Part 5

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 "Quick shut the door!" Yelled Hermione.

 Lilly and Luna used all their strength and shut the door. 

The monster was pounding and growling at the door.

 "Quick to the library we need to find out what in the bloody hell that creature is." 

They quickly scurried to the library and got out all the books in the section,

 "Dark Creatures Made By Magic" 

They kept looking through them until. "Found it!, yelled luna"

 It's an Eternal Ghoul" "Where is it from? asks Hermione

 '' It's from Rshaakrna, The Melting Sphere of The Slaying Goddess, exclaimed Luna.

 "Well that's creepy", muttered lilly.

"We need to stop it before it gets to Voldemort!"Says Luna. 

"What does it need to see Voldemort for?" Asks Harry.

 " Voldemort is its eternal master so when it gets to Voldemort,

 it cant die until it completes Voldemort's request" Exclames Luna.

 " To kill me". Says Harry. "Yes", says Luna.

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