Are we Really Patriotic?

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"Are we really patriotic?
Except few, who serve the nation..
Are we really patriotic?
Yes, we are, for a cricket match!

Our forefathers toiled in blood..
And got freedom, they deserve!
People now fight for one bread!
What's proud here to preserve?

Here, a small bud gets raped..!
Here, a common man gets shot..!
Here, hunger rules the stomach!
And, Are we really patriotic?

Poor continue to be thawed..!
Debt had become their God!
Still, you look to go abroad..!
Then who will take care of your yard?

Just look at the mood of India!
It's Visionary & ambitious - outside..
As we hoist the flag, but not the nation..
It's, Commotional & crying - inside..

No need for guns and shoot..
Just pledge to stand up for few!
If few does, few becomes a nation!
I believe, a new India will reboot!

Patriotism is my vision!
A vision for a better nation!
My patriotism lies in my pen!
Just show yours in your weapon!

-Srinath KM

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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