Chapter 3: Morning

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"Uhhhh" I moan. Why is the alarm going off so early? I look over to the clock. " IT'S 7:49!" I scream. I have 15 minutes to get ready! Holy ramen noodles. I jump out of bed and run to my dresser and grab some clothes. I take as quick of a shower as I can and run downstairs. I see a note on the table and look at it.

Ha, you have a good morning Nii-chan. Look at the clock dummy. Next time don't stay out so long without telling someone.

I glance at the clock in the kitchen. It. Is. Five. O. Freaking. Two. I am going to kill one of them or both. I am going back to sleep. I angrily march upstairs and fix the clock. I plop down on the bed and quickly fall asleep.

*Naruto's dream*

"Huff Huff Huff Huff" What is happening! Why am I running? "Where are you going." a sinister voice booms out. "Who are you!"I scream.

"Awww, you don't remember me." he sneered "and we just talked earlier too."

I look over my shoulder to see if I see anything and what I see sends a chill up my back. I see a huge figure, but I don't know what it is. Suddenly, I feel a horrible sinking feeling and I hear the voice say "Boo"

*3rd POV*

Naruto lay in bed drenched in a cold sweat when he jerks awake with a panicked look on his face. He takes a few deep breaths and looks at his clock. He then facepalms when he sees it is only 6:08. " You know what sleep can go fuck itself" he mutters.

He gets up, walks to the dresser then looks back down at himself then shakes his head. "I need to change again," he says quietly. He then once again took a shower. He looked at the clock when he got out of the bathroom. It was 6: 21.

Naruto walks downstairs and walks over to a cabinet. He looks around in it for a while before pulling out a cup of instant ramen noodles. He stares at it creepily before slowly saying " My precious". Naruto then makes the noodles while slowly licking his lips. When it's done he sucks it down with inhuman speed and savagery.

"Better, Much better" he states. "I should probably train for the exams. I still can't do a freaking clone."

Naruto walks into the shed in his backyard. He grabs a dummy and drags it outside. He places it toward the middle of the yard. He then grabs some shuriken and kunai.

He begins to throw the kunai at the target's chest. Nine out of thirteen hits. He takes out the kunai and begins to throw the shuriken. Twelve out of thirteen hit the dummy.

Naruto drags the dummy back into the shed. He starts to run around the backyard. When he stops and goes inside it is 6:44. He grabs a cup and drinks some water. "Why is time moving so slow." As he says this he hears creaking upstairs.

On the floor above him, Minato Namikaze had awoken and was getting ready for his day. Minato walks downstairs to find his oldest son is already up.

"Why are you up so early?" Minato asks curiously. "I didn't sleep well" Naruto states "so I decided to train for the exam." He finishes.

"Oh really, show me your henge." Minato orders.

"Ok." Naruto proceeded to do a henge of Kori but, there was one problem: her feet were tiny smaller than they were already.

Minato sighed and gave Naruto a look. "Close enough"."Show me your Bunshin." He orders.

When he says this Naruto rubs the back of his neck. "Sure....." He does the hand signs and one floppy clone appears.

"Again." Minato orders.

Naruto does it again with the same results.


*Time skip no Jutsu*

It is currently 7:13 and the rest of the Namikaze house is awake. Naruto's father was making him do the bunshin one last time. It was better than the rest but far from perfect.

*Minato POV*

This has to do something with the Kyuubi and its chakra. It takes too little chakra for him. Should I show him that Jutsu? No, it's a forbidden Jutsu. But only because of the amount of chakra it uses. So, it should be okay for him.

" Naruto, I am going to show you another clone jutsu that might be easier for you to use. You only have 47 minutes, but you can do it." I say " It is called the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu you create solid clones, so it takes more chakra which I think might be your problem with the regular bunshin."

I grab some paper and write down the hand signs. "Here go practice."

*47 Minutes later*

*Naruto POV*

I can make 40 usable Kage Bunshin. I am picking this up a lot easier than the bunshin. I go back inside and yell, "Riku, Rimuru you ready to go!". "Yep!" Riku says. I suddenly got an idea.

I created 2 Kage bunshins and had them grab a cup of water each. As we are walking down the street the clones run up behind Riku and Rimuru. They dumb the water on them and I dispel them immediately. " What the!" Yells Rimuru.

I run ahead and yell " Karma!"


......and done

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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