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  Niall was about to take off your pants when you stopped him what the f*** why did you stop me Niall asked because I'm a virgin because haven't had sex yet . Why is that bad because if you have a f****** problem with it leave get out now no babe I didn't say that i had a problem with it is just that it seems like you've had sex before well no I haven't can we just watch the movie now yeah fine










The movie ended ....

When the movie ended you where already asleep with your head on Niall's chest you heard him say he loves you (Damn was I supposed to hear that) . He gave you a kiss on your head and drift off too sleep . You both where awaken by your mum yelling at you saying get the f*** up you slut why the f*** is there a damn boy in bed whit you?!?!?!??!?!??!?! "Mum what's wrong why are you yelling" because there is a damn boy in bed with you!!!!!!! Its not like we did anything Niall said niall  please don't say anything to make her mad let me talk to her don't say anything please fine Lillian Niall then got a text from his dad saying he needs to come home now hey babe I have to go sorry see you at school yeah you say. No you won't why was he in your bed because we where watching a movie and fell asleep mum. Fine if that's what you said happened then I am sorry OK I will let you be. ( wow my mum just let it go I mean we would still be fighting right now I wonder what's up.)

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Hey my lovelys how you been so it would help if you guys commented so I can know what you liked a didn't and to come up with more characters OK I might update today maybe I don't know for sure but hope you liked and please VOTE kk love you bye

Bullied by Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now