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"You're gonna be fine Em!"
My twin sister Lily told me as I paced back and forth in front of our car

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't like us? Should we have gotten her something? What if she gave us the wrong address? WHAT IF WE'RE NOT IN THE U.S!?!"
I started shaking her shoulders

That is until she wacks my head

I say rubbing it

Lily rolls her eyes
"First of all,Shut up. Second of all,shut up. Third of all,SHUT UP!"
"She will like us. Okay? Try and breath."

I did as told her and gave her a grateful smile
"Thanks sis"
I told her

She smiled at me
"Anytime Em."

"Emily,Lily! We're here!"
Our mom calls from across the street

"When did she get there?"
I ask to to mainly myself

"Who knows?"
Lily says grabbing my hand and dragging us to our mother.

The park was beautiful,with all sorts of colorful flowers everywhere.
A red mini bridge stretched over the mini river flowers surrounding.

I whip out my phone and quickly text Mari on Wattpad.

Hey Mari! We're here! Where r u rn? -E

Haha are you having jet lag? -M

Not funny XD -E

:P -M

Anyways when will u be here? - E

Be there in like 5. It's a five minute walk 2 minute drive. -M

Why don't you just drive here then? -E

And risk polluting the air more,possibly hurting Mother Nature? Nty! -M

Fine just text me when you get here -E

Righty-O! -M

I sighed putting my phone back in my pocket
Lily was talking with Mom distracted in her own world

I walk around the area a little until a vibrant light catches my attention
When I turned around I couldn't see the light anymore (which maybe was a good thing) but I did see a very colorful sign with swirls around the border.

I say walking to the sign,wondering where we were exactly

'Precure Park'

'Precure Park'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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