Chapter : 2 Meeting Jennifer (A.K.A) Squirtvee

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"Vee, Vee!" Said the mysterious Pokemon in the bushes.
Suddenly the mysterious Pokemon jumps out of the bushes.
"Who are you?" Asks Tangeon. "You don't look like any other Pokemon I have seen before.""Are you a fusion Pokemon like me?"
"Yes." Says the mysterious fusion Pokemon. "My name is Squirtvee." I'm a mix between a Squirtle and an Eevee." "What are you?"
"I'm Tangeon. Says Tangeon. "I'm a mix between a Tangela and a Flareon."
"Cool!" Says Squirtvee.
"Do you have an owner?" Says Tangeon. "What happened to your tracker?"
"I don't have an owner and I escaped the lab before the professor could give me the tracker." Says Squirtvee. "By the way, I could hear it's obnoxious beeping from deep in the forest."
"Whoops!" Says Tangeon. "I think that we should team up and find the others so we can show all of the "normal" Pokemon that it is not always fun to be normal."

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