Writer stereotype's

343 7 24

The narcissistic

My God I have an idea, I'll write a story about how awesome I am in my universe, every woman would want me and men would wanna be like me, the president gives me a medal of honor and I'll have Emma Watson as my girlfriend, and I can defeat people in one stare and-

The insecure

And so you and your girlfriend laid down in bed with your 5 foot long weawea, and if that's to small for you then it's (D/S), and if not then you have the longest pinpin in the world, just don't hate me for making you have a tiny chinchin its not my fault, please vote and share

The insulting

K guys, so here's a picture of a cool anime boy, this is how you look like in the story because I it were to have your appearance, you'd be so ugly that everyone dies, the end

The horny

lemon lemon lemon lemon melon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon.

The planner

Ok so I have my main, they will be fixing the mess their father created and that's also a reason why he's avoided by everyone. He makes a lot of enemy's but some turn into his friends when he shows them another way to live, ending with him defeating the guy behind the mess and giving his hometown peace, perfect now time to wri ok I'm bored I'm gonna something else now.

The inconsistent

... Oh hi guys, it's been like 84 years since I updated this book, but I finally got back my insperation to write, I promise I'll write a new chapter soon

One week later

Again so sorry for not updating I have a lot going on now, but I will get a new chapter out soon, promise

There weeks later

I'm such a *happy* loser, I keep saying that I'll write a new *happy* chapter and I let you all down, why am I even *happy* bothering myself.

The fast growing

lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon melon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon

The unoriginal

Guys, here's my epic work I did with blood, sweat, tears... And the series of RWBY, DXD and MHA, also if you have ideas, let me know and I'll add them to MY story, love you all.

The explanationist

You and Leslie where under the tree that your grandfather planted 79 years ago because he told you father that this is the family tree, the tree you and Leslie are right now because you felt it was safe enough to share the tree your family charish so much because you wanted to express your feelings to her, but you wanted it special, and nothing says special like the family tree

The teenagers

My soul is as black as oil
I am 15 and I have problems
My family doesn't understand me

Hey guys this is my story's theme song, it's about how bad life is for us because of x problem even though adults say we have it easy

The baby's

*This user has blocked you for honest feedback, you cannot comment on his book or profile anymore*

The setters

Guys, before you read this story remember, you are a teenager that lives all in a real good house with a girl next door that has a crush on you, I'd write down why to actually make it immersive but I'm lazy and not a skilled writer

The famous

GUYS OMG MY BOOK HIT 1K VIEWS!!! I never thought my 10 chapter book would get this popular, so I'll do a Q&A to celebrate

5 chapters later

2K VIEWS!!! Do you guys want a Q&A?

30 chapter's later

Oh, now you guys are asking me stuff! Sorry but I have better stuff to do, I'm famous after all

The real famous

lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon melon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon

The guy with other plans

Hey guys thanks for voting on my story, but you know what would be better, if you follow, subscribe, friend, accompany, sell, watch and eat my other content in these sites

The newbie

You and Kirby walked all around Dreamland, enjoying the beauty of the planet and it's residents

Then you eat pancakes at home. The end.

Hey guys this is my first book so please don't be to harsh on me, if you vote that would mean a lot thanks

The memer

The memer

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The good author

And so, Jimmy and his friends saved the world from demon destruction, and the city began cheering the name of the superhero that saved them, bac-

The "want to be good author" author

And after you saved the world, all the girls ganged up on you because you were now awesome, even better then that superhero named bac-

The author with no regrets

Lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon melon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon.

The no meat at all

"Hi, my name is Marisa, I go to highschool"

"Hey girl I'm (Y/N)"

"I love you (Y/N)"

The end

Like my story

The supposed edge guy

*Happy* *puppy* of a mother! Why did she *happy* *sunshine* ate my *sunshine* noodles *happy* I "sunshine* hate her *rainbow* guts!

Anyways here's new chapter

The one who finishes their book

My good guys, this book is now complete and it has a scary numbers of views, you know what that means...
... Leeeeeeemoooooooon

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