3:) Certain Changes

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Louis was in his dad's apartment. He didn't know why his dad won the case or why he was with him to begin with but he had lived here long enough to know there were certain changes to be made. And some he had to accept that was honestly really heavy on his heart.

The boy he once knew, the one who was optimistic and favored by several people, well that changed a lot.

       "Don't get any ideas, boy."

He would say as Louis looked on the web, Anne's Instagram was always his most recent tab that was open.

       "They probably don't even remember you... Innit that sad?"
The boy who isn't even remembered."

Troy laughs as he walks out of the door, Louis could feel an ache his heart. Something told him deep down inside that his father was right, there would be no way Harry remembered who he was. Not after this long.

It had already been half a decade now, closer to six years, but Harry remains in his mind constantly. Like a song too rare to let go.

He scanned Instagram one more time in hopes he would see a picture of Anne's beloved son on her Instagram. The weird thing was since Louis left, there wasn't any pictured of Harry anywhere on her page.

Louis sighs logging off of instagram and deciding to go outside and play for a while. Even though the air was crisp, seeming to run a chill up his spine as held his breath. He was used to staying in his room, staring endlessly at the ceiling. He always thought of how he would meet up with Harry. He always had this weird idea of running away, meeting up with Harry somehow, and jumping into his arms with ease. Harry would remember him and they would end up falling in love. 

But no, it wasn't the case. Not when he was intimidated by his own father. The man broad and stock and louis felt like an absolute pee wee of a nobody. Why? Well as if the whole neighbor hood didn't already know, he tended to lie of his height. And he never gained any weight.

     "Cmon boy what are you staring at?" His father's voice jolted his thoughts from in his own head. He couldn't even remember what he was doing at the time.  "Didn't I say to ask for permission to leave the god foresaken house, get back to your room boy. 

Louis could feel the burn just behind his eyelids, he didn't dare cry in front of Troy, no way in hell  was he going to show how weak he was, not like this. 

As Louis headed for his room, he couldn't help but notice a stack of mail on the kitchen counter. Johannah's name evident on the envelope.

Louis picked it up slowly before carrying it to his room and slowly opening it. A tear slowly falls once he sees his name in the letter.


You probably don't care and I guess it doesn't matter... but I really miss Louis. His voice, his laughter, even his little quirks. He was literally the perfect son, and now he's gone forever from me. The least you could do was tell me how he is... i guess i won't send anymore letters after this seeing as you don't even respond and you probably don't even care.

                                                                                                             Best Regards, 


Louis was only tweleve, but he was very mature for his age he knew what this meant. He would never see his mommy again, he would never know what she looks like or hear her voice. It was all over and he was going to live in this hell of a home forever.

Louis covered his face now, his  eyes finally letting go off all his emotions. The baggage of the last six years that finally fell from his shoulders. The weight of pain and guilt  soon developing into strength. The strength he needed to finally leave his father's home. 

Louis was home alone, his dad obviously not being the brightest crayon in the box decided to go to the mini mart without him. Louis was used to this side of  his father by now, or he should've been. Maybe he was used to it, but the pain still lingered. Did it matter that he was tweleve? Probably not, why you ask? Louis is just like you. He longed to have love in his life, not just any love though. He needed his mum again. And he needed his best friend. No other love in this world mattered. At least not to Louis.

As the night droned on and on , with the same thoughts of his mum in his mind Louis wanted to leave even more. What could he do here that wasn't already harmful in the world?

His dad had a process he went through, treating someone with kindness was not one of the cases. Instead, he would have a coldness to his soul, and an emptyness in his heart. Seemed like no one could mend nor fix, and he had no idea the reason. His age didn't withhold him from thinking these things. Even thought they were on a whole other level of maturity. These should've been cared for by a physician or even a therapist, yet here Louis was trying to fix other people' problems. Now he needed to focus on himself, his mum and Harry. God he missed Harry, what did he even look like now? It ached him to even think he made new friends. Maybe he did and he forgot about Louis, it could be an easy thing to do. Louis being just average, and nothing special, and least that's what he thought.

Closing his eyes at night seemed to be the hardest thing to do, living with his father, and maybe now would be the best time to leave. Sure, he kept saying that, but there was fear in his mind. No matter what choice he made, he would probably end up regretting it. What choice did he really have even after all he had been through?

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