chapter 5

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        I yawn as I attempt to get up to hell. Oh did I say hell I meant school, silly me. It's way to freaking early to be up, it's only just starting to get light out, not to mention the fact that I hate mornings. I would much rather be nocturnal, everything is better at night.

        Time for the usual morning routine. Mumble curse words and stuff about hating mornings while I make my way to the bathroom. Check. Now pee, brush teeth, and attempt to tame my mess of hair. Ok, done. Wait, What do I wear!?

        "Wren, hurry up or I won't drive you to school!" My mom threatened from downstairs. Ah crap, that means I'd have to take the school bus and no way in hell is that happening.


        "Mom I'm turning on the radio, ok? k cool." I said not even bothering to wait for answer. I reach for the power button on the car radio. My mom swatts my hand away with her free one.        

        "But honey, I wanted to talk to you!"

        "We can talk as soon as you put you're hand back on the steering wheel." I counter as we stop at a red light, and she does as I told her. "Good, now what are we talking about?"

        "I just wanted to see what you thought of our new neighbors. So?" My mom said, giving me a look. Oh god this better not be going where I think it is.

        "They seem really, nice. You and Liz seem like you get along well." I told her, hoping to avoid the e


        "Ya we seemed to really hit it off, soooo, what about Luke? What do you think about him?" Bingo, there it is. I knew she would ask that. I guess it's time for me to set the record straight.

        "Do you really want to know what I think of him?" She gave me an encouraging nod, so I continued. " I think that he's an annoying little twat who needs to get out of my life and has to stop stealing things that belonged to Jess, like her house."

        "Oh, I guess I was expecting a different answer than that."

        "Well sorry to disappoint." And with that I got out of the car and walked up the steps to school.

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