Dexter Vex X Reader

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Because I love him and I'm deprived of content 

Art: Lyadrielle on Tumblr (Gayou)

Trigger warning for sexual harassment/ catcalling

Implied mature content. 

Rivi, if you're reading this... No you're not.

The young woman walked briskly with her jacket pulled tightly around her. Every now and then she'd stumble slightly in her heels, or pull the skirt of her dress down, or throw wary glances at passing men. Dexter thought it sad that this was how a lot of women lived their lives- constantly looking over their shoulder in case some guy got too bold. It was disgusting.

His attention was drawn from her when she rounded a corner and disappeared from view. Saracen Rue came over with the shopping he'd been sent to collect.

"You're looking forlorn," he noted. "Anything I should be worried about?"

"No," Vex sighed turning to face his friend. "Just thinking."

Saracen nodded and didn't push the matter. Since they'd lost Ghastly and Anton and Ravel had betrayed them, there had been a lot of sullen silences. They knew by now it was best to let each other mourn and move on in their own time. They began walking together back to the hotel, Dexter took some of the bags of shopping from the shorter man.

After a few minutes of walking they passed an alley. They thought nothing of it until they heard voices. Multiple men, drunk by the sound of it, and a woman- audibly scared. They exchanged a look, set down their shopping and went after the noise.

The same woman from earlier was trying to pass through a group of six men. Some seemed drunk, all seemed to be hassling her.

"I don't want any trouble," she was struggling to keep her voice even as she was backed further and further into a corner.

"Neither do we, darling," one grinned at her. "We just want a little fun. Come on, have a beer. Take off the jacket, it's a warm night."

"Take off the dress too," another called. The others must have found that hilarious because they burst into howls of laughter. The woman tried to slip away but she was grabbed. She twisted and got in a good throat punch. The man went staggering back, gasping for air.

To her credit, she stood her ground. Her legs were strong, and her arms looked toned under her jacket. She seemed to know how to handle herself. But there were six of them and one of her. And the poor thing looked terrified.

The man closest made another grab for her and then Vex was there. He caught the man with a blow to the jaw which sent him to the ground. He cracked an elbow into another and stomped on someone else's foot.

The others backed away- right into Rue. He caught a sloppy punch and returned it with a knee to the stomach. It didn't take long for the group to decide they didn't want to mess with these new-comers. Scowling, they limped away and Vex turned to the woman.

"Are you alright?" he asked gently. She nodded, paused, then nodded again.

"Yeah um, thank you for... for that."

"Any time," he smiled. "I'm sorry that happened, it's not right."

"No, no it's- it's my fault, I guess. That's what I get for walking down creepy alleys at night," she laughed nervously.

Rue shook his head. "No, don't say that. You should be allowed to walk wherever, whenever. You shouldn't have to limit or censor yourself just because of some assholes. They're the ones who should be sorry, not you. You did nothing wrong."

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