Chapter 2

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Their options were pretty clear, crazy, and not at all going to work out. Bakugo wanted nice weather and a beach view, Mina wanted to rent a car to drive so they could have a road trip, Sero wanted to just get *lit* and have fun, Jiro wanted to have amazing food and go to an awesome music store. While Kiri just wanted to have fun with his friends and get Bakugo off his mind. While the friends were fighting and arguing about what to do, Denki was trying to get their attention.

"Hey guys, guys, eXcuSe Me, OK SHUT UP," He screamed, startling the group except Bakugo who just rolled his eyes and sat back listening to what the ball of electricity had to say.

"What if we take a plane to California, well Santa Clara to be more specific," He showed them an image on his phone, " We then get a rental and drive from there to Santa Cruz, then go to San Luis, To Los Angeles, letting the last stop being San Diego," he looked up for a minute after putting his phone down on the desk so the group could see the plan HE made.

"If we do that and spend two days in each place giving us 10 days to party and have fun, plus 4 resting days if we need them letting the last two days, be us getting on a plane from San Diego getting back home on time for school on Monday," Denki then stands up looking and sounding proud of himself.

"Wait you thought about this?!" Jiro questioned with an eyebrow up surprised that this knuckle head just made a good plan for them to actually do.

" Yup, all the places I have stated have clear skies, warm weather and AAAMAZING beaches, all what Bakugo wanted, The road trip for Mina, the clubs for Sero, and Jiro the food is amazing, plus good music stores, so that's everything off of the list,"

"Wow good job Dunce face, I'll agree on that," Bakugo sat back putting on his headphones while the others started to make plans about what they would do.

With that being said the group decided that California was the best place for all their options. So they figured out where they would stay and what they would do, and when they would leave. Everything was coming together more or less. As the last days of school before break we're coming up Mina couldn't keep her excitement in. They had almost everything that was group related ready, Passports, hotel rooms booked, and rental cars ready. Now it was just all the personal things (just them packing etc.)

Kirishima was not ready or excited at ALL. To save money they all decide to pair up in the hotel rooms so instead of paying for 6 rooms they can split the bill and just pay for 3 rooms. Jiro and Mina would stay in 1 room because they were both girls. So the boys had to decide. Kiri was going to go pick Denki but Mina picked up two pieces of colored paper, ripping them in half, and putting them in a hat.

" There are four pieces of paper, Two being blue and the other two being pink, the color of the paper is who you stay with, far enough ok," Mina said sticking out the hat so they could reach their hands in. Kiri was nervous because he DID NOT want to spend his two weeks stuck with Bakugo. He would DIE. So he got up the guts and said "I'll go"

He closed his eyes and pulled his piece of paper out. Sero went next, grabbing his color and making his way back to his spot in the group. Then Denki went. He swished around the last two before grabbing his and handing the hat to Bakugo, who nicely snatched the hat picking up his color.

" I got pink Raccoon eyes," the nice and loyal Bakugo said, holding out his paper.

"I got blue," Denki said, putting the paper on his head being the peaceful kid he is.

"Dude I got blue," Sero cheers as he high fived Denki.

I got pink Kiri said looking up at the group fake smiling. 

"Oh fuck me, i gotta bunk with-"

"looks like im your partner Shitty hair"

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