Newman x Alistair

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~Author's Note~

The characters Alistair and Rhoslyn belong to my friend @DJfox012. Warning there is some suggestive implications in this story, if you are uncomfortable with that I recommend you do not read this story 

Wild Night

Newman's P.O.V

   I had my head down mindlessly staring at my empty glass of whiskey. I already had a few to drink already and was contemplating getting more. Now I'm not one to drink at all really, however, I've been going through a tough time. I recently lost my beloved wife due to an illness. We tried all the healing magic we could get our hands on and unfortunately my wife was immune to all of it. I was given some time off from my guards work to mourn and take care of my daughter a bit. I've been doing so but after some nights when I put my little sweetheart to bed, I go out to the tavern to drink a bit. Usually, I have a drink or two as I talk to the bartender a bit about life and such. However, tonight I'm feeling a little extra down so I decided to drink some more than usual.

   "Hey Newman, what are you doing here?" I heard a voice next to me say.

   I turned my head over to the voice and was greeted by my fellow guardsman, Alistair. He's the youngest of the fully trained guards for Derin and is one of the most energetic out of all of us. He happens to be a daemos sorcerer, which isn't quite common to see around the kingdom. He has handsome fall-coloured horns that come around and wrap a bit up from the back to the front of his head and a long scaly tail with matching colours. He has joyful orange eyes and short red and brown hair. He was in his normal guard attire so I can only assume he just came from the castle. It's not a surprise seeing him around here since he is quite a drinker.

   "I've come to drink," I answer, "would you like to join me?"

   "Uh, sure," Alistair replied before sitting down next to me.

   I gestured to the bartender for a round of drinks and began to have some small talk with Alistair.

Alistair's P.O.V

   It was quite a surprise seeing Newman here at the tavern. The guy barely ever drinks, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a drink in his hand. Although, Newman has been going through a tough time since losing his wife. He's actually been dismissed for the rest of the month to mourn with his daughter. I can relate though. I lost my wife when my daughter Kam was very young. I also know how it's like being a single father since I have two youngsters of my own. So I can understand the pain and struggle he's going through right now.

   "You know if you need any help with Evelina , I'm always willing to help. I can also ask Lady Lucy if she can watch her as well so you won't have to worry about finding someone to watch her while you work," I said to Newman.

   "Heh, thank you very much for that Alistair," Newman said while leaning over to give me a side hug.

   "I understand what you're going through man, so I'm willing to help out as much as I can," I replied.

   "I'm here too as well for emotional support if you need any." Rhoslyn said while patting Newman on the back.

   "Thank you," Newman said with a smile before ordering another drink.

   A couple hours go by of us drinking and talking. Usually I don't care about the amount I drink. Normally I go until I'm dragged out by Rhoslyn or kicked out by the bartender. However, I've been holding back because I'm quite concerned with how much Newman is drinking.

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