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Each chapter in this new series will be based on a song from the album Delusions by Silent Theory.

"I hope one day they'll see me for who I truly am. I'm so tired of hiding myself from the world." Alvin thought as he stared absently at his phone screen, desperately hoping for some sort of communication from the outside world to remind him that he hadn't somehow teleported to an alternate reality where he is an introverted social pariah opposed to his normally boisterous and outgoing self.

The number of likes and comments that once made him so happy now made him feel as if there was no joy in anything. With no dopamine being released to validate his fragile ego, he found it increasingly more difficult to find joy in anything. Every picture, video or thought he posted all seemed like a cry for help in his eyes. Nobody ever looked deeper into his self depricating humor. No matter how dark it got or how obvious his cries for help were, nobody paid any attention. Even if they had, Alvin wouldn't be willing to open up so easily. He knew that people would pretend to care on the surface, but would turn away at the first possible moment.

Alvin had managed to go from a large group of aquaintences to a non-existent group of friends. On a good day, he would be able to spend a few hours with his brothers. Even though he loves them, their differing personalities clashed and caused tension to build between the three of them. Some days, he missed their company, but others he felt more at peace by himself until the social and physical isolation began to slowly take its toll on his mind. When that would happen, Theodore would bring him food and Simon would drag him out of the house. Even if they didn't say a single word, the feeling of company made Alvin feel wanted.

It was as if he was living his life on repeat. School on the weekdays, small concerts where he and his brothers would perform a three song set as an opening act, on Saturday it was chores and homework. Sunday was family game night which neither Alvin nor his brothers had any say in the game or opting out for previously scheduled endeavours. The routine had been established years ago, but he couldn't help but want to do more than that with his life. Alvin always knew there was something for him out there, but the confines of the suffocatingly small town in which he and his family resided proved cumbersome to escape. Unless you were one of the few people to make it out through college or the military. Those were the lucky few that never returned. At one point, Alvin dreamt that his escape would be through music. However, he had long since given up on that goal. He knew that no matter how good he was at performing, there's at a thousand people that are just as good, if not better. Admittedly, Alvin had thought about joining the military just to escape the stranglehold the small town had on him, but he knew he lacked the diciplene required to do so. At best, all Alvin could foresee his future equating to was meterocity and a desk job that he would grow increasingly disdainful towards until one day, he would retire an old, broken husk of his former self.

Alvin sighed deeply as he gently tossed his phone on the coffee table in front of him. Frustration overtook all his other emotions as he tried to comprehend what would be the best course of action to break away from his monotonous life. Try as he might, he couldn't find a solution to his problem. At times, he felt as if his forced isolation was deserved. He longed to see more than just the edge of the county. Under Dave's watchful eye, Alvin knew that he would be stuck there.

"Alvin, you need to go get ready for dinner. It should be done in about twenty minutes." Dave said from the kitchen while mixing ingredients into a large bowl by hand.

"Let me guess, meatloaf again?" Alvin chided sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with meatloaf?" Dave replied, knowing that responding to Alvin would lead him to protest the typical meal choice of Wednesday night dinner.

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