Executing the Plan- Ch. 2

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Using the stunned silence to his advantage, Midoriya snatched up his yellow book bag and shoved past the three, tears welling up in his large eyes. He didn't turn back when he continued, "Don't expect me to be at school tomorrow." With that, he left.

That day, Bakugo had went to follow the greenette when he split away from his 'companions'. He checked the roof. Nothing. He went back to outside the window, where he had thrown the notebook carelessly out of the window. He found the notebook being ruined as the water made the words fade and the koi fish attempted to eat the notebook.

The blond angrily shooed them away, carefully picking up the damaged notebook as he dried it off. Stupid nerd and his dramatic ass. He's probably going to pretend to be sick tomorrow just so he can scare people. Bakugo concluded that he would just give the notebook back tomorrow.

He made his way home, still holding the notebook in his grasp since it would 'get his schoolbooks wet', when, in reality, he didn't want Midoriya's notebook being damaged further than it already was. He tried his best to dry it off, but the letters were still distorted. Even if you tried, you couldn't make anything out; maybe you would be able to if it was retrieved from the pond earlier....

He walked around town, not really wanting to deal with his mom's nagging when he did arrive home. He didn't have much to do; it's not like he had any real friends anyways. He would stay out till sundown since: 1. He would've grounded if he wasn't and 2. He needed time to get his homework done; dumbasses didn't get into UA.

Bakugo walked around for a bit, getting angry when someone bumped into him, a boy with long black spiky hair, sharp teeth, and ruby red eyes. He also had a small scar above his right eye if you looked close enough. "Watch where you're going, idiot," he growled under his breath. The ravenette didn't do much other than nodding quickly and scurrying away. When Bakugo was walking home, he noticed a dark figure standing on top of a building; the figure was hard to see since the sun was setting.

It's probably nothing. It can't be Deku. He's too much of a wimp to do that. It's probably just a hero on patrol, Bakugo thought, trying to reassure himself as he turned away to head home.

Little did he know that the figure proceeded to jump off of the building, falling off at a great speed.


When he arrived home, he wasn't expecting his mother to be rushing out of the house, struggling to put her jacket on as she rushed to the car. He tried to get her attention, "Where are you going now, old hag?"

He was expecting the usual response, which was yelling and a hit to the head, but he was ignored as his mother rushed to the car. He was met with silence. He began to panic when he noticed her worried state. He tugged at her jacket as his face twisted with worry, "MOM! What's going on?"

She shook her head as she turned towards the car, saying in the softest voice he's ever heard from her, "Go inside, Katsuki. I'll be back." He tried to object but he was turned down when she begged him to go inside.

So inside he went.

He noticed Masaru sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. Bakugo felt a lump in his throat. No. He couldn't have- That couldn't have been him... He decided to ask. He closed the door behind him and looked towards his father as he choked out, "Dad..? Where did mom go?" His father shook his head before sitting up and sighing.

"She's just dealing with adult stuff, don't worry about it," he responded. Bakugo couldn't take it; he stormed upstairs and slammed his room door, chucking his school bag across the room, dropping the notebook in the process.

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