Prologue: New Place

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You let out a proud sigh as you had just finished unpacking the last of your things. Your name is Y/N L/N, 18 years old, and a senior in high school who was well on her way to graduating. You had signed off for a student exchange program for college, but they had decided it was best to send you during your senior year so you could adjust to Korea during your last year of high school. They had an apartment set for you and everything, they made sure you would be well taken care of. Not many students were willing to leave behind everything they knew, and on the other side not many parents were willing to let their children go.

You were one of the lucky one that somehow managed to convince your parents to let you take this opportunity. It wasn't easy, of course,  as your mom wasn't happy to part with you for so long. She worried about you great deal, even though you were 18 you were still rather naive. With a heavy sigh you sat down and pulled your schedule off the coffee table to take another, more thorough, look at it. 

First Period: 8:00am-9:00am - English - Prof. Kim Namjoon                                                Room 148

Second Period: 9:00am-10:00am - Math - Mr. Park Seo-Jun                                                 Room 149

Third Period: 10:00am-11:00am - Music - Prof. Ji Yoona                                                        Room 116

Fourth Period: 11:00am-12:00pm - Dance - Mr. Cheol Min                                                    Room 117

Lunch: 12:00pm - 12:30pm                                                                                                                   Cafeteria

Fifth Period: 12:30pm-1:30pm - Sciences - Ms. Choi Jiyu                                                      Room 155

You huffed and tossed the piece of paper back onto the table. At least most of your classes were bunched together, so you didn't have to run directly from English to dance class. You sighed and stretched, checking the time. 6:30 pm. You decided to order something to eat, set out your clothes, and then shower. You opened an app on your phone and ordered something that sounded tasty and got to work looking for something decent to wear. 

You had yet to get a uniform for the school you were attending, so you would have to get it at some point tomorrow. You had been told they already had the uniforms you needed for school and your dance class, since your measurements had been sent over from your school back home when you were preparing to make the trip. Now all you had to do was pick them up, but since the school would be closed you had to wait until tomorrow. 

You picked out a pair of black and white floral print leggings, a black tank top, and a long, light blue sweater that came off your shoulders. It was a bit longer that a shirt but not quite a dress, so it would cover what it needed to while not being too long. It wasn't long before your food arrived and you sat down to eat, wondering what each of your teachers looked like and if they'd be nice. You put the food you had left over in your fridge and hopped in the shower, putting on some body lotion afterwards and setting your alarms. You double checked to make sure your backpack was ready and had everything you needed. You wore a simple t-shirt and panties to bed, since there was only you in the house. 

You were nervous and excited, tomorrow you would have your first day of class in Korea, and you almost couldn't wait. You were a smart girl, so you were able to skip out on several classes that you would've normally had to have been enrolled in. You had your apt interest in other countries and their cultures to thank for not having to take any history classes. You snuggled into your blankets and sighed softly, thinking this year would be the easiest yet. After all, you were a smart girl. No matter how smart though, this year certainly wouldn't be as easy as you thought it would...

A/N: Aaaand here it is! My Namjoon x Reader story. Ya'll better appreciate the FUCK out of that schedule it literally took forever for me to make, I put in work and care to make it. I plan for this to be a long, well thought out story. I also plan to eventually make an x Reader for each of the boys, but for now I'm gonna focus on this one and the BTS x Reader. Don't forget to vote and comment! I absolutely love reading comments and seeing people enjoy the things I make. Happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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