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"You sure about these guys?" Riley asks as she, Artemis, and Hobbs walk off of the elevator.

"Nope," Hobbs answers her as Artemis answers "More than I thought I would." Hobbs looks over at her slightly shocked before remembering she has a closer connection to the team because of Elena.

"I thought Rio was our last job, Brian," Rome says as he looks around. "And who's paying for all this equipment? The taxpayers? So now we work for The Hulk?" Artemis holds back a giggle as they walk up behind Rome. "That's what we're doing? Why do I smell baby oil?"

"If you keep running your pie hole, you're going to smell an ass kicking," Hobbs says causing Artemis to laugh. Hobbs looks over at her with a small smile knowing he already fell for her smile but now he is falling for her laugh.

"All right, Hobbs," Dom says as he starts walking over to the team. "You got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you. Give them a reason to stay."

"Our target is Owen Shaw," Artemis says as she throws Owen's file onto the table. "Former major in the S.A.S, Spec-ops soldier. He ran the UK's Mobility Division in Kabul and Basra."

"Ah, Damn. That Mobility unit's the truth," Tej says as they gather around the table. "We're talking vehicular warfare. Best in the world. Those guys don't mess around."

"You got some chips?" Rome tries to sneakily ask Han, who turns the bag showing that it is empty.

"For years, they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that graduated them to a whole new level," Hobbs explains while looking around at everyone. "Three targets, highly specific. The program terminal from an ICBM missile..."

"Got a little change?" Rome tries to sneakily ask Tej.

"Seriously? You're a millionaire, and you're still trying to ask for money?" Tej questions him as he hands him some coins.

"That's how you stay a millionaire," Rome answers him, while Artemis smiles at the glare that Hobbs is giving Rome.

"So, what does this all mean?" Brian asks as he looks at some of the papers.

"Well, our best guess is that Shaw's crew is building a Nightshade device," Artemis answers him.

"Which is?" Gisele asks her.

"A tech bomb. Designed to block an entire military communication grid for 24 hours," Riley answers her, causing Artemis to slightly glare at her since she was the one asked. Artemis didn't like Riley and feels as if she could be a spy for Owen.

"If you blind a soldier for a single second in a middle of a fight, he dies," Hobbs says as he looks at everyone. "If you blind a country for 24 hours, the loss of life is unthinkable. This could be worth billions to the right buyer."

"Billions?" Tej asks him. "Why don't we just steal that shit?"

"Hey, man!" Rome calls from over by the vending machine causing everyone to look at him. "Which one of these is a dollar? It says something about..." Hobbs pulls out his gun before shooting the glass out of the vending machine.

"It's on the house," Hobbs says as he holsters his gun as Artemis giggles at Rome's shocked face. "I want you to help me catch Shaw. He's only got one piece left that he needs, and I intend to stop him before he gets it. Now, I know you guys are a family. So I'm offering you a chance right now to make that family whole again." Hobbs throws Letty's file onto the table.

"You want to make this family whole again?" Brian asks Hobbs. "Get us to Letty, we'll get you Shaw, full pardons all the way around."

"I can't promise you that," Hobbs tells him causing Artemis to look at him confused.

"Yes, you can," Brian argues with him.

"That's the deal," Dom says as he stands beside Brian. "Take it or leave it." Hobbs stares at Dom before Hobbs looks at the team, seeing that they won't budge.

"You get me Shaw, and I'll get your pardons," Hobbs finalizes causing a small smile to come to Artemis' face.

"You heard him," Dom says as he looks at everyone. "But this is different."

"We're not dealing with cops, we're not dealing with drug dealers. This is a whole different level," Brian explains as he looks at everyone.

"We're getting paid, right?" Rome asks causing Artemis to shake her head, with a small smile on her face.

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