Part 5

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Rosie's Pov

"I didn't concentrate on anything! All I was concentrating on is Cameron and how would it be to catch up with him at the break.

At the break I was standing in front of my locker. And he waved and came to me. Smiling. So I smiled back. I mean how can I not smile back?
"Ready?" He said.
"Yes I am." I said.
"So where's your friend?"Said Cameron.
"Oh! Rosie. She's having a detention."I said, giggled.
"Okay so let's head to the canteen."Said Cameron.
He held my hands and I can feel the eyes on us. I was blushing, nervous and my hands were sweating.
"Don't be nervous. It's just me. Cameron."
He doesn't know that he's not like any Cameron in the world. I don't want to even sound nervous so I just smiled.

Cameron's POV

Oh my god, that girl. That girl. Isn't like any other girl.
Her green eyes and dark brown hair. I mean the way she blushes. The way she act cute without even trying! I think I like her. All I need to know now is where she lives and what does she hates/loves. She is a chance for me to change the bad in me. Yes she totally is.

"Bella!" I shouted.
"Yeah? You scared me." Said Bella!
"HAHAHAHAHA" I laughed my evil laugh.
Bella laughed too. And that laugh. That laugh melted my heart. I just don't get it! She is indescribable.
"So you are coming to the party right?" I Said.
"Yes, I am. With Rosie." She Said. but there's one problem. She bit her lips.
"What is it Bee?" I said. Which made her blush.
"I don't know where do you live."
"Don't you worry gurl! I'll pick you up!" I said. But I want your number so I can let you know when?
"Yes of course." And she gave me her number!

The bell rang and I dropped her off to the class. I kissed her on the cheek. Accidentally. But I wanted to so.. She has such a natural beauty. Kill me pls!

Ps/ It would mean a lot if you commented and voted! And tell me if I should complete writing and all that kind of stuff. Share it with your friends. And I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or spelling so yeah. if you're reading this. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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