There once was a boy...

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There once was a boy

He was weird and even a bit of a nerd

She was ignored

But when she was with him she was actually heard

There once was a boy

They became best friends

They talked all the time

And promised to be together till the end

There once was a boy

Together they stayed

Through every lie and rumor

Not once did he even think of going away

There once was a boy

Who had a secret

He loved a girl

He wanted to give her his heart but he didn't know if she would keep it

There once was a boy

His best friend had a secret

She loved a boy

She wanted to give him her heart but she didn't know if he would keep it

There once was a boy

Who gave his heart to his best friend

They loved each other

And promised to be together till the end

There once was a boy

Who thought nothing would go wrong

But fate stepped in

And put an end to their love song

There once was a boy

Who on one fateful day

Was very happy

Until he found out his best friend was moving away

There once was a boy

Who left a girl who left him

She felt helpless and alone

Like she was in the ocean when she couldn't swim

There once was a boy

Who thought his best friend was fine when really her heart was on floor

She said she still loved him

He said he loved her too, just not like that, not anymore

There once was a boy

Who broke his best friend's heart

He hasn't talked to her since

And it's tearing her apart

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