•Chapter 1.0• Introduction

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"A boyfriend? I don't need a boyfriend? I've got my whole life ahead of me. I can't be tied down by no man! I can do bad all by myself."

Or, so she thought. This did not age well. At all.

Meet Y/n. The crown jewel of Queens, New York. Her life is pretty simple. She wakes up in the morning at 6:00 a.m to get started on the day.

Usually because she has an interview, or she's got a magazine photo shoot. What? You don't wake up in the morning and do that?

Well, this girl does. Now, you may be wondering, 'How is she even famous in the first place?' 

Y/n's mother is Champagne L/n.
A very famous and very rich woman who was the first female artist to reach No°1 on the billboard charts. She owns 5 grammies, and lives in a luxury apartment.

Champagne raised Y/n all alone. While she was giving birth to her daughter, Y/n's father was hooking up with a mistress on the other side of town. Champagne eventually found out, and left him.

Champagne was already famous at the time, so news that her boyfriend had cheated spread out fast. He received much hate and backlash on twitter.
And, to be honest, he kinda deserved it.

Champagne told everyone to not come at her baby father and just let him live his life. It didn't put a smile on her face to see people she barely even knows calling him such offensive names.

And now, 15 years later, Y/n was now eligible to get a boyfriend of her own.

The love story of a wealthy African-American Princess and a Hard Asian Boy.

That's right, this is.....

Brown Sugar💫
By ThighHigh Senpaii

This story will be updated every friday. Or, A friday.
Who honestly knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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