He is Gone

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" He is Gone"

I open my lids in a clean, white and familiar place.
Eyed looking for someone murmuring "love, your embrace".
Drawn in my mind, "where are you? I really need you right now!",
But nobody respond in my earnest request. Just wow!.

My heart seemingly stab of a sharp knife, maybe that's life!--
You can live once, but  no! we can still be husband and wife!.
Though all of my sadness and agony suddenly stopped.
When a man with white coat entered, I fake a nap--

"Ma'am, don't need to pretend that you're asleep cause you are not".
Then I open my shutted eyes and says "please I cannot".
My world eroded again in words goes out from it's mouth.
"He is gone, please accept it.",  pardon please? I want to shout!--

But I can't!, he is still occupied me from heart and mind.
I remember those times before he leave me all behind.
The love and happiness shouldn't put by edge.
"I love you " then tears flowing like water under the bridge.

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