All Hallows Eve

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It's been a month. A great one. We managed to get through it without troubles with Dave. But he was watching from afar. We would see him every once and a while, but all he did was glare.

It's now Halloween. That means frat parties with slutty girls dressed in slutty homemade costumes, effortless costumes and lots of candy. We want to go to a party but we don't want to interact with Dave especially if he's going to be drunk.
We have our costumes. Olivia is a zombie and the makeup is great. Kayla did it and we just tore up Clothing and rolled it in dirt and Ta-Da!! I'm Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin. We are the weirdest looking couple. I should get Kayla to do my makeup and go as zombie Robert Plant.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Olivia. "You're so cute." She said. "What?" I laughed. "When you're deep in thought. You furrow your eyebrows sometimes. I guess when you're making a plan or think about something cringe worthy. Or when you think about something nice you smile and hum." She said. "Oh." I said. "Now you're going to think about how you look when you're thinking and you'll do the things I said you did and laugh at yourself." She said. How'd she know that. Oops. I furrowed my eyebrows. Wow I do do that. Oh wait now I'm thinking about it like she said I would. "You're doing it" she said. I laughed. "Yeah. You got me." I said. "I know you like a book I've read a billion times." She said. God, I love her smile. "You're cute too." I said. "The way your cheeks darken when I compliment you." I said. She blushed. She covered her cheeks. "And when we go to sleep you always find a way to snake your arms around me and bury your head in my shoulder or wherever. And you always complain about your hair. I think it's perfect but that's another story." I told her. She wouldn't stop smiling. "But in the end, you're perfect and you're mine." I said. "Of course." She said.
"We need to find a Dave-free party." She said. "Yeah." I said. "Found one!" She said. Looking at her phone. "Who's?" I asked. "Summer and Mikayla's." She said. "Great." I replied.

~>~>~>~>~>~~PARTY TIME<~<~<~<~<~<~< (Read this in a drunk voice until you get to Olivia's part for more effect.)

"Y-you know you're my best friend." I slurred to Aaron. "You saved my gurlllfriends life a-and don't get m-me started on how great of a music taste you have." I laughed. I was more than drunk. "Shh-shhhhh dude no no shhh you're my best friend". He said. "No no I insist you're m-my best friend." I said. "A-alrighty then but you're still my bffl." He said.
"Olivia. Baby come here and sit on my lap." I said patting my leg. She wasn't drunk, she was slightly tipsy but was functioning normally. She slowly walked over and cautiously sat on my leg. "W-what do you want for Christmassss." I said. "For you to slow down on the drinks. "Oh I can't physically give you that silly." I laughed. "Jason. Give me the cup." She grabbed it. "Hey!" She put it down. "I wasn't finished." I said. "Yes. You were." She said. "Y-you're hot when you are angry." I said. "..." Her face was surprised. "What? I can't get sexy with my girl?" I said. "Not when you're drunk." I said. "I'll be sexy with myself." I got up and started dancing.

Olivia's POV
Oh no he's dancing. Crap. Bri started recording. Ray, Mikayla, Summer and other people were laughing. I gave and started to laugh. He started be really sexual. "Jason. Dude you're doing wrong it." Aaron said. "Oh god please no." I mumbled. He started dancing with Aaron. They were side by side, dancing to electronica dance music. Kill me now. Jason danced over to me and started giving me a lap dance. OH MY GOD. "Uh..that's enough!" I said. "What? You can't handle it?" Aaron asked. "Yeah? Too much booty for you? You can't have all dis." He pointed to his body. "These hips don't lie Olivia. They. Don't. Lie." He said. "Mmmhmm honey you gotta work to get like us." Aaron said in a kinda ghetto voice. (😂 lol ha). "Y-yeah how do you think we got our not lying hips?" Jason said.

The night when on and I finally gave in. I drank some drinks. Danced some dances. And let the night take me away. I don't recall what happened after that.

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