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"Kozume, come on let's go outside. It's nice today."

There's Tetsurou, he comes over almost every day to try to get me to play volleyball. I don't like sports very much. I'd rather play video games, or eat apple pie... Actually Tetsurou's mom makes the best apple pie, that's why I go outside and play volleyball with him sometimes.

"I don't want to. I'm trying to beat this level." I say while tapping the keys harder trying to kill the boss.

"What about if you learn how to play volleyball with me, i'll have my mom make some apple pie?" Tetsurou says while raising his eye brows and holding up his volleyball. He knows how to persuade me.

"Make it a whole apple pie and we have a deal." I say obviously joking, I just don't want to have to play volleyball with him. Even if that means I have to give up apple pie from time to time.

"Hmm~ okay but you have to promise. Okay!"

"Fine." He looks like he believed it. Maybe he really does wanna play volleyball with me?

"Say I Kozume promise to learn how to play volleyball, in return for apple pie."

"Why? That's stupid."

"Just do it. Only losers break their promises."

"Ugh fine. I Kozume promise to learn how to play volleyball in return for apple pie. Happy?"

"Ekkk yes!! Let's go outside and start now, Kozume."

I feel a smile draw at my lips seeing the older boy running around in excitement. I guess, I could call him a friend. He's my first real friend, I guess that makes him special to me.

I get up from my bed, dropping my ds to grab a pair of shoes. It's my first time where i'm actually excited to go outiside. I would say it's because of the apple pie.

——/ тιмє ѕкιρ

"Tetsurou can we stop now. We have been out here for like 3 hours. I'm tired."

"Kozume just one more set. I saw this one on tv and I wanna try it."

"You're gonna miss it anyway. It doesn't matter."

"Don't say that let's just try it."

I set the ball, Tetsurou runs, and jumps with all his might to spike the ball. And in return there's a loud smack, because of the ball and Tetsurou's hand. It was actually pretty cool, something you'd see in a video game or in a movie. It made my heart skip a beat, like I had butterflies in my stomach.

"Okay that's it. I'm tired."

"Oh come on, you have to admit that was superrr cool." He says while running to grab the ball, that's half way across the field.

Mumbling I say, "it was pretty cool actually."

"WHAT WAS THAT KOZUME?" He says standing up after picking up the volleyball.

"Nothing, lets go get something to drink."

"Tetsurou how long do I have to learn how to play volleyball with you to get apple pie?"

"Like a week. I don't know. Till you want to play with my more often, then we can join our school team and be the best!"

"Umm ok."

A week until apple pie. I guess I can wait that long.

—-/ тιмє ѕкιρ тσ α ωєєк ℓαтєя

"Tetsurou i'm sore, do I have to play volleyball with you today."

"Yess!! We're getting pretty good. We're not missing as much anymore". He says while grabbing my arm and trying to drag me out of bed.

"Fine." I say with a sigh.

"My mom also started making the apple pie, so by the time where done here it should be done."

"Ok let's just hurry up and get this over with."

—-/ тιмє ѕкιρ

"Are we almost done? We did receives for forever."

"Almost Kozume. You can't break your promise. You swore."

"And why not." Well apple pie of course.

"Because only stinky losers break their promises" He says while sticking his tongue out, and blowing a raspberry.

"Your gross. How many more do we have to do."

"Fine. 1 more. But we should come play volleyball again soon. I really like playing volleyball with you. It's fun."

I feel my heart skip a beat. He likes playing volleyball with me. I'm fun? How am I fun, i'm boring there's nothing fun about me.

"Ok shut up let's just hurry up my arms are tired." It's a lie. I just want my heart to return to a normal pace, and the apple pie.


'Tetsurou jumps up and spikes the ball.'

"okay let's go. Off to my moms apple pieee—."

I wait for him to grab the volleyball before heading back in the direction of his house. Happy that I get to eat apple pie.

"Hi Mrs. Tetsurou."

"Hi Kozume. Thank you for playing volleyball with Kuroo. He always talks about how much fun he has with you." she says with a giggle.

"Mom- Stop that's embarrassing."

"Oh your fine, you boys go get some apple pie now."


"Come on. After you grab a slice then we can go outside and eat it."


I watch as Tetsurou grabs a slice, and opens the front door, waiting for me to go sit by the curb.

"Thank you Tetsurou. Your moms apple pie is the best."

"I thinks so too."

"mmh." I say while taking another big bite of apple pie.

"I'm just glad you didn't break your promise with me."

"Why." What's the night deal with promises anyway. You make a big fuss of it like your gonna die or something.

"One time I had a best friend, way before you, and we hung out everyday. And one day he made me a promise that we would be best friends forever. Then a couple days later he moved away. Without tell me goodbye. And I was really sad, I cried for like three days straight. So now I really hate people that break their promises, I won't be friends with them anymore. I won't even talk to them." He says while crossing his arms.

"oh." I never would have even imagined Tetsurou crying he doesn't even seem like that kind of person. It must have really hurt him. I feel bad. They must have been good friends. Better than we could have ever been. I guess I just won't make any promises I can't keep, so that he doesn't hate me.

"Well since we're both done with our apple pie. I'm going to head home, in tired and want to go to sleep Tetsurou."

"hmm okay. Goodnight Kozume."

"Goodnight Tetsurou. We should have apple pie again together sometime after we play volleyball."

"okay. I'd really like that."

I smile as I walk away from the boys house, guaranteeing I wouldn't ever break a promise to him. No matter what, I didn't ever want to see him cry. I wouldn't be able to bear it.

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Promises 𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘒𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now